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Gavibc: 28 listed companies to block chain talent and "olive branch"


Gavibc: 28 listed companies to block chain talent and "olive branch"

Whole tend to be more rational state

It is worth mentioning that "financial 1 yuan noted that" the current recruitment by a listed company in the field of involving block chain,

According to zero one, according to incomplete statistics, a think-tank in October only block chain of hiring a total of 28 listed companies associated enterprises, for the total number of 133 people, most of job for talent development aspect, among them, alibaba, tencent and chain block is needed in the listed company in the software talents, most respectively 32 people, 32 people, and 20 people, more than half of the three companies need for the development of post, in BATJ, jingdong and baidu for recruitment of block chain is less than the other two, jingdong while hiring developers only 1 person, but the salary of 42000 yuan/month, on the above industries, baidu talents through internal transfers, October no increase in demand,

Built enterprise management co., LTD., vice President of Shanghai DE Fang Ling, engaged in financial technology headhunting, she in an interview with "1 yuan", "admits" block chain concept is very popular, as is now cooling tends to be rational, not all companies are rushing to fry concept, in fact, most of the listed companies are still relatively rational about the chain block talent introduction, "

Zheng jiao li also to "financial 1 yuan", said "the listed company of our service to block recruitment chain field is relatively rational,"

Hundred cheng said that in the market prospect of the block chain is identity, technology application ground acceleration, the listed company to talent demand is some block chain, the chain block field layout there are three main ways, the first is buying existing block chain company, the second is chain company self-built blocks, and the third is to block chain cooperation company,

In addition, the "financial 1 yuan" in cooperated to see online, most of the listed companies for block chain requirements for recruitment, on the working experience is a highlighted, for example, alibaba home page recruitment recruitment block chain development professional need to meet more than 5 years work experience, salary negotiable, followed by the ant gold take recruitment block chain business development specialist/senior experts need is more than 5 years work experience, in addition, tencent's recruitment block chain platform system architect in the home page, block chain technology, senior researcher at block chain product manager position also need to be more than 5 years work experience, such as

Zero one think-tank researcher to "financial 1 yuan", said ms li talent recruitment block chain enterprise to the degree required is higher, the record of formal schooling that technology jobs asked need bachelor degree or above sixty percent, but compared with the record of formal schooling, enterprises pay more attention to experience, "at the same time, ms li suggests that for talents, also need to pay attention to, carefully identify class recruitment firm whether real scenarios involving block chain business,
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