This is my dataframe for example
df = pd.DataFrame([['Bob', 'lunch', 70],
['Bob', 'dinner', 160],
['Sara', 'lunch', 150],
['Sara', 'dinner', 220]],
columns=['Name', 'Meal', 'Cost'])
Name Meal Cost
0 Bob lunch 70
1 Bob dinner 160
2 Sara lunch 150
3 Sara dinner 220
How can I transform the df into the following using pd.melt or any other way?
Name Meal_1 Cost_1 Meal_2 Cost_2
0 Bob lunch 70 dinner 160
1 Sara lunch 150 dinner 220
CodePudding user response:
This looks more like a job for pivot()
not melt()
df.pivot(index=['Name'], columns=['Meal'], values=['Cost'])
The result is
Meal dinner lunch
Bob 160 70
Sara 220 150
Not exactly what you want but maybe better.
Or do you look for something like this
df = df.set_index('Name')
lunch = df.loc[df.Meal.eq('lunch')]
dinner = df.loc[df.Meal.eq('dinner')]
df = pd.concat([lunch, dinner], axis=1)
df.columns = ['Meal_1', 'Cost_1', 'Meal_2', 'Cost_2']
Will result in
Meal_1 Cost_1 Meal_2 Cost_2
Bob lunch 70 dinner 160
Sara lunch 150 dinner 220
CodePudding user response:
Use Groupby.agg
and pd.concat
In [1293]: x = df.groupby('Name').agg(list)
In [1333]: splits = [pd.DataFrame(x[col].tolist(), index=x.index).add_prefix(col '_') for col in x.columns]
In [1338]: res = pd.concat(splits, axis=1).reset_index()
In [1339]: res
Name Meal_0 Meal_1 Cost_0 Cost_1
0 Bob lunch dinner 70 160
1 Sara lunch dinner 150 220