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Unwanted mean in pivot_table when values are identical


When there are identical values pivot_table takes the mean (cause aggfunc='mean' by default)

For instance:

'y_values': [1.54, 1.47,1.,2.,4.,4.,3.],
'experiment':['e', 'e', 'e', 'f', 'f','f','f']})
print(pd.pivot_table(d, index='x_values', 
        columns='experiment', values='y_values',sort=False))


experiment     e    f
13.40       1.54  NaN
13.08       1.47  NaN
12.73       1.00  NaN
12.00        NaN  2.5
33.00        NaN  4.0
23.00        NaN  4.0

As you can see a new value in f appears (2.5 which is the mean of 2. and 3).

But I want to keep the list as it was in my pandas

experiment     e    f
13.40       1.54  NaN
13.08       1.47  NaN
12.73       1.00  NaN
12.00        NaN  2.0
33.00        NaN  4.0
23.00        NaN  4.0
12.00        NaN  3.0

How can I do it ?
I have tried to play with aggfunc=list followed by an explode but in this case the order is lost ...


CodePudding user response:

A workaround would be to select data for each unique experiment value and then concat all these data:

pd.concat([d.loc[d.experiment.eq(c), ['x_values', 'y_values']].rename(columns={'y_values': c}) for c in d.experiment.unique()])


   x_values     e    f
0     13.40  1.54  NaN
1     13.08  1.47  NaN
2     12.73  1.00  NaN
3     12.00   NaN  2.0
4     33.00   NaN  4.0
5     23.00   NaN  4.0
6     12.00   NaN  3.0

CodePudding user response:

You could also just assign new variables and fill them according to boolean masks:

        'x_values':[13.4, 13.08, 12.73, 12., 33., 23., 12.],
        'y_values': [1.54, 1.47,1.,2.,4.,4.,3.],
        'experiment':['e', 'e', 'e', 'f', 'f','f','f']

df['e'] = df.loc[df['experiment'] == 'e', 'y_values']
df['f'] = df.loc[df['experiment'] == 'f', 'y_values']
df_final = df.drop(columns=['y_values', 'experiment']).set_index(['x_values'])

           e    f
13.40     1.54  NaN
13.08     1.47  NaN
12.73     1.00  NaN
12.00     NaN   2.0
33.00     NaN   4.0
23.00     NaN   4.0
12.00     NaN   3.0

If you have more than one attribute for the column experiment, you can iterate over all unique values:

for experiment in df['experiment'].unique():
    df[experiment] = df.loc[df['experiment'] == experiment, 'y_values']
df_final = df.drop(columns=['y_values', 'experiment']).set_index(['x_values'])

which results to the desired output.

This approach appears to be more efficient than the approach provided by @Stef. However, with the cost of more lines of code.

from time import time

first_approach = []
for i in range(1000):
    start = time()
    pd.concat([df.loc[df.experiment.eq(c), ['x_values', 'y_values']].rename(columns={'y_values': c}) for c in df.experiment.unique()]).set_index(['x_values'])
second_approach = []
for i in range(1000):
    start = time()
    for experiment in df['experiment'].unique():
        df[experiment] = df.loc[df['experiment'] == experiment, 'y_values']
    df.drop(columns=['y_values', 'experiment']).set_index(['x_values'])
print(f'Average Time First Approach:\t{sum(first_approach)/len(first_approach):.5f}')
print(f'Average Time Second Approach:\t{sum(second_approach)/len(second_approach):.5f}')

Average Time First Approach:    0.00403
Average Time Second Approach:   0.00205
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