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PutAsync() method call failing in Blazor WebAssembly project, yet debugging not working well enough


I've been trying to learn Blazor WebAssembly programming and have been doing a follow-along project along with the Pluralsight course I'm working on.

What happens is that the PutAsync() method in the following code fails:

        public async Task UpdateEmployee(Employee employee)
                var jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(employee).ToString();
                var employeeJson =
                    new StringContent(JsonSerializer.Serialize(employee), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                await _httpClient.PutAsync($"/api/employee", employeeJson);
            catch (Exception ex)


This code is located in a service class, and the target method that has the HttpPut attribute either doesn't seem to get called, or the breakpoint I place in it never gets hit.

        public IActionResult UpdateEmployee([FromBody] Employee employee)
            if (employee == null)
                return BadRequest();

            if (employee.FirstName == string.Empty || employee.LastName == string.Empty)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Name/FirstName", "The name or first name shouldn't be empty");

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest(ModelState);

            var employeeToUpdate = _employeeRepository.GetEmployeeById(employee.EmployeeId);

            if (employeeToUpdate == null)
                return NotFound();


            return NoContent(); //success

I put the breakpoint on the if (employee == null) line, but it doesn't get hit. I initially had a lot of problems with breakpoints not being hit, but ever since I switched from Firefox to Chrome for my testing, it's been a lot better. Yet, the execution doesn't seem to get here. The routing attributes at the top of this target class looks like the following:


The class itself is called EmployeeController, so I would think that the "api/employee" attribute should reach it.

I've added a try/catch block around the failing code in the first code block I've posted, and when I step through, I see that there's an exception that gets thrown after I try to step over the PutAsync() method. But when I go to command window to se what the content of ex.Message is, I get the "Unable to Evaluate" error in Visual Studio.

enter image description here

If I step through, I see the execution hitting some bound fields in the Razor file that displays the edit form, but I don't know enough about Razor to really deduce what is going on. There are numerous fields in there that look like this:

   <div >
            <label for="lastName" >Last name: </label>
            <InputText id="lastName" @bind-Value="@Employee.LastName"  placeholder="Enter last name"></InputText>

        <div >
            <label for="firstName" >First name: </label>
            <InputText id="firstName"  @bind-Value="@Employee.FirstName" placeholder="Enter first name"></InputText>

        <div >
            <label for="birthdate" >Birthdate: </label>
            <InputDate id="birthdate"  @bind-Value="@Employee.BirthDate" placeholder="Enter birthdate"></InputDate>

        <div >
            <label for="email" >Email: </label>
            <InputText id="email"  @bind-Value="@Employee.Email" placeholder="Enter email"></InputText>

And then, at some point, while stepping through, a lot of the fields get skipped, and the execution seems to leave the Razor file abruptly. I am not sure what to make of this, and since I have been largely absent from .Net for the last several years, it all does feel a bit overwhelming. I am not quite sure how the PutAsync() method call failure really translates into these possible data binding errors, but I am guessing that PutAsync() is just a vehicle to call whatever code has the [HttpPut] attribute, and that any kind of exception anywhere down the line from this method call will cause the PutAsync() call to fail. Would that be accurate or not?

CodePudding user response:

try to await "api/employee"

var employeeToUpdate = await _employeeRepository.GetEmployeeById(employee.EmployeeId);

CodePudding user response:

  1. Don't use Built-in form components without EditForm and model or EditContext.
  2. Use DataAnnotationsValidator and/or ValidationSummary component to validate your form before submitting.
  3. use OnValidSubmit method to submit your form only when has a validate controls.
  4. If you don't want to use OnValidSubmit, check if your EditContext validate before request PutAsync().
  5. Please check Microsoft doc for more information, I am sure that is more clear than your course that you are following.
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