I saw before how you can count age from this page of stack overflow, but how do i make data that has been processed into another column.
age_data_array_1 = pd.DataFrame({'Age':age_data_list_1})
bins = [0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 110]
age_labels = ['Less than 20', '20 years', '30 years', '40 years', '50 years', 'more_than_60']
age_data_array_1['Age_Group'] = pd.cut(age_data_array_1['Age'], bins=bins, labels=age_labels, right = False)
age_data_array_1['Age_Group'] = age_data_array_1['Age_Group'].cat.add_categories('invalid').fillna('invalid')
divide_by_age_group = age_data_array_1.groupby('Age_Group')
How do i make the divide_by_age_group.count()) become a new pandas data
Python Pandas <pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy object at ...>
CodePudding user response:
I might be misunderstanding your question but don't you just need:
df_count = divide_by_age_group.count()
CodePudding user response:
turns out its as easy as df_1 = pd.DataFrame(divide_by_age_group)