I have a Discord Bot for UKHotDeals, but it throws an error.
This is written for Python 3.x.
The original repository can be find in here: https://github.com/davidteather/Hotukdeals-Discord-Notifier
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Ayrton\Desktop\Hotukdeals-Discord-Notifier-master\main.py", line 179, in <module>
client = MyClient(channel_id)
File "C:\Users\Ayrton\Desktop\Hotukdeals-Discord-Notifier-master\main.py", line 31, in __init__
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: Client.__init__() missing 1 required keyword-only argument: 'intents'
I can't get where im missing something in the code, wich is this:
import discord
import asyncio
import requests
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
import json
with open('settings.json') as data:
settings = json.load(data)
min_upvotes = int(settings["min_upvotes"])
max_upvotes = int(settings["max_upvotes"])
base_url = settings["base_url"]
pages_to_index = int(settings["pages_to_index"])
discord_api_key = settings["discord_api_token"]
min_price = float(settings["min_price"])
max_price = float(settings["max_price"])
channel_id = int(settings["discord_channel_id"])
time_interval_seconds = int(settings["time_interval_seconds"])
class MyClient(discord.Client):
def __init__(self, channel, *args, **kwargs):
self.outOfStock = []
self.checkUrls = []
self.channelID = channel
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# create the background task and run it in the background
self.bg_task = self.loop.create_task(self.my_background_task())
# Check deals
def checkDealsBeautifulSoup(self, url):
# Imports
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json
import random
# Loads JSON and vars
with open('settings.json') as data:
settings = json.load(data)
min_upvotes = int(settings["min_upvotes"])
max_upvotes = int(settings["max_upvotes"])
min_price = float(settings["min_price"])
max_price = float(settings["max_price"])
# Loads proxies
with open('proxies.txt', 'r') as proxies:
proxies = proxies.readlines()
# Picks random proxy
proxy = random.choice(proxies)
returnMsgs = []
newArray = []
# Reads already used things
with open('data/usedLinks.txt', 'r') as data:
usedArray = data.readlines()
# Sets up proxy
proxies = {
"http": "http://" proxy,
"https": "https://" proxy,
page = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
var = False
# Tries to get things
listings = soup.find_all(
'article', attrs={'data-handler': 'history'})
upvotes = soup.find_all('span', attrs={'class': 'cept-vote-temp'})
pricing = soup.find_all('span', attrs={'class': 'thread-price'})
urls = soup.find_all(
'a', attrs={'class': 'cept-thread-image-link'})
var = True
var = False
if var == True:
upvotesIndex = 0
index = 0
for x in range(0, len(listings)):
upvote = upvotes[upvotesIndex].text.strip().replace(
" ", "").replace("°", "").replace("\n", "")
if "Deal" in upvote or "alerts" in upvote:
upvotesIndex = 1
upvote = upvotes[upvotesIndex].text.strip().replace(
" ", "").replace("°", "").replace("\n", "")
upvote = 0
price = pricing[index].text.strip().replace("£", "")
price = 0
url = urls[index].get('href')
url = None
if price != "FREE":
price = float(price.replace(",", ""))
price = 0
price = 0
if min_price <= price <= max_price:
if min_upvotes <= int(upvote) <= max_upvotes:
if url != None:
if url "\n" not in usedArray:
# Return Message
message = url " Satisfies your deal criteria. It is at " \
str(upvote) \
" degrees and costs £" str(price)
upvotesIndex = 1
index = 1
# Saves new logged files
with open('data/usedLinks.txt', 'a') as fileObj:
for line in newArray:
fileObj.write(line "\n")
# Returns stuff
return returnMsgs
# On start
async def on_ready(self):
print('Logged in as')
# On message
async def on_message(self, message):
if message.author.id == self.user.id:
# Background manager
async def my_background_task(self):
await self.wait_until_ready()
channel = self.get_channel(int(channel_id))
while not self.is_closed():
for page in range(0, int(pages_to_index)):
print('checking page ' str(page))
res = self.checkDealsBeautifulSoup(
base_url "?page=" str(page))
if res != []:
for msg in res:
await channel.send(msg)
await asyncio.sleep(int(time_interval_seconds))
# Main
client = MyClient(channel_id)
channel_id and discord_api_key correctly set in settings.json like this:
"min_upvotes": "500",
"max_upvotes": "1000",
"base_url": "https://www.hotukdeals.com",
"pages_to_index": "10",
"discord_api_token": "asdAxNasdDkxNzQ1NDcasdasd4ODU1OTAxOQ.GxasdNr.Hasdv7k9Iladsdvasd67jasdasdCXHF4",
"min_price": "0",
"max_price": "500",
"discord_channel_id": "5712311231233167",
"time_interval_seconds": "1800"
CodePudding user response:
Looking at this other thread, the discord client now uses an Intent object in its constructor
client = discord.Client(intents=discord.Intents.default())
For you, you would have to fix the following call when instantiating your own instance
CodePudding user response:
It seems to be that the error comes from discord.Client, here:
class MyClient(discord.Client):
def __init__(self, channel, *args, **kwargs):
self.outOfStock = []
self.checkUrls = []
self.channelID = channel
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
check this: