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The ministry of industry and information center, director of the institute of economics, industrial


Yu Jianing interview video

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Yu Jianing
Yu Jianing, ministry of industry and information center of the industrial economy research institute, Dr Economics, has been engaged in the new economy, new industry, new technology research, in 2012, the currency has attracted his attention, from then on, he to block chain for the research of the system, he insist for a long time point of view is: chain block is a disruptive technology, but should play its role, needs in the entity industry scene for landing, real play to the role of the good service the real economy, should make "+" block chain entity economic revitalization of the booster, recently many times in each big BBS and meeting to preach "industry chain blocks" theory, even for overseas friends on block chain,
Technology for block chain, it is more questioning if the large-scale application of the ground, as the research institutions of the ministry of industry and information center, Yu Jianing has launched a nationwide chain block industry research, plans to visit Beijing, Shanghai, shenzhen, hangzhou, guiyang and other places of more than 50 companies and institutions, industry Yu Jianing found in the investigation and research, many projects in the field of copyright protection and product traceability chain block application has landed,

The following is a dialogue wonderful content

Host: as is the large institutions and the combination of block chain, it may be possible to give us life bring what change, and it will create some new industry,

Yu Jianing: there must be a big change, but the pace of change will not too fast, is likely to be a osmosis, the process of gradual change, change will have several important direction: the first is a personal data is becoming more and more valuable, and now, we have begun to broadly agree that big data is a kind of resources, in fact has achieved resource data, but now the data is not completely realize capitalization, because now resources are digital, and upload to the Internet, communication could be chaos, or stolen, including personal privacy data, may also be speculation or abuse, but in fact, the contribution of each of us data is valuable, based on block chain platform, we can even sell some of our own data,
Our driving habits, for example, actually determine the risk of accidents we drive, but because insurance companies have no way to effectively collect everyone's driving data, so no way to differentiate the car insurance pricing, but if allows the rider to free the figures, to the insurance company to use, the driver must not voluntarily, I say so, if the technology based on block chain, then set up some internal incentive mechanism, as long as the drive to upload data, can get some points, and then by the end of the year, with the integral will cover some premium, everyone in this mode would then have an incentive to upload their own data, rather then sold to the insurance company, so that our personal data actually became a valuable asset, will greatly promote the development of the whole big data industry in China, is fully staffed,
For individuals, on the other hand, the future way of working are likely to change, under the platform of traditional economy, this platform is for the user is not worth to do, even the platform is more and more big, it may appear that harm the interests of the users, however, if in the chain of blocks in this kind of incentive mechanism, the user and platform will be Shared, symbiosis, the relationship between work, for example in start-up platform in the early stages of a user, pay some effort for platform, also can share platform to grow some of the gains,

Host: block chain industry application what kind of new model can share with you the

Yu Jianing: through the investigation and research, I see a lot of positive energy, for example, the copyright protection mechanism, based on the block chain is very interesting, at present our country's copyright protection actually met a big bottleneck, I wrote a report before, call "2018 pan entertainment industry, the white paper", it puts forward the view that the creative era, everyone is creative, and IP intellectual property, origin is highly diversified, IP now more and more lightweight, such as a short video that could contain a tiny copyright, the tiny copyright under the traditional protection mechanism is very difficult to protect, such as in the traditional mode, to apply for a certificate of copyright, process is more complex, also need to pay hundreds of dollars, but if based on block chain technology, can form a kind of very effective copyright protection mode, we research a public company through an authoring system, and the background of block chain approval mechanism, implement a call: creation or approval, deal with authorization, found that the rights of new modes of the digital copyright
, on the other hand, need to buy some of the copyright of others, for some creative people in the past mode, will be difficult, but based on block chain, can quickly find the copyright holder, and then realize a quick deal automatically authorize on the platform, which can at very low cost, high efficiency to achieve the effect of a reasonable use of copyright,
I believe that technology is likely to block chain will realize large-scale landing within two or three years, why make this judgment? Because it blocks chain and industry, I think this need combination of degree is very high, for example if you tell a company boss, only need to modify a certain technology, can be achieved from control, audit, can realize the bank even based on the transaction records, directly implement quick loan, I believe that the boss will probably choose to accept without hesitation the technology,

Host: in addition to you just to share in some specific property protection to a large, some applications have on the social level,

Yu Jianing: I saw a a case about lithium battery recycling system, or fun, the service life of the lithium battery, etc. I should be in five years or so, but the lithium battery electric cars before assembly, due to some technical reasons, technology life has come to an end, so probably will soon usher in a large-scale battery replacement, but change the battery how to recycle? How to get to the disposal of again? Is actually a problem, if the lithium battery with some vendors recycling, circulation, optionally may cause some new environmental pollution and even security incidents, so now someone is put forward, based on block chain and Internet technology to build a new type of lithium battery recycling system, so that we can guarantee the lithium battery will not fall into the hands of unqualified recyclers, cause some pollution, waste or potential safety hazard,
So this aspect, I think the future traceability technology based on block chain, is likely to shape a new type of circular economy system,
To put these resources can be recycled into the whole system of circular economy, it should be said that is also an important scene block in industry chain,
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