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[video] dreamer fund founder zhu bo: it's time for admission


Zhu bo speech video

Zhu bo
Zhu bo, guangzhou valley innovation incubation accelerator founding partner, early study in the United States, after the graduation worked in the United States more than communication, IT and the satellite company (the American express company, qualcomm, etc.), has more than 20 years of scientific research at home and abroad, management and entrepreneurial experience, is an expert in international senior IT and mobile Internet,

Below is zhu bo in block 2018 global chain (hangzhou) speech on the peak BBS:

Valley of innovation, the founder of zhu bo

(the host) wang: zhu bo did A lot of determination under all in block chain, also knowledgeable in this industry for many years, the original technical background, the situation of big this year after the Spring Festival. It happens that open up in the morning now friends tell commonly bear market is not A shares or stocks, but said currency, then you all this year in feel this could be A minefield come in?

Zhu bo: in fact, from last year to today, four stages after the block chain, in the first half of last year, the project party as long as they brag force is enough, even not white, as long as the blow a cow force, put a contract address, others will give you the money, and then the last exchanges will be over, but also have excellent platform, project has nothing to do not fall to the ground, then you go after, still can cut the leek leave,

To xiao-ping xu teacher internal WeChat issued earlier this year, this time has caused another wave, large Numbers of people began to write a white paper, entrepreneurs to continue will boast forces, the platform to special cow force, project book to write, look up this wave, basically tell all people as soon as I got up at three o 'clock group, wei star played a very big role here, the group is a watershed in value investing at three o 'clock, tell a lot of people how to distinguish between good and bad project, so the group of basically below directly lead to go up at three o 'clock, because of what, leeks all understand, new leek, old leek found cut!

Wei star they played a large role, value investment watershed, after the group up at three o 'clock now, basically is what you call a bear market, actually I think this is the outstanding entrepreneurs and investors during this time, speculation it's time to go, want to also can't cheat money fraud, in the first half of last year on the currency to currency essentially 99% this year to zero, there is not much left, just now you asked if I was mine, I said that I come in mine, tell everyone what is ray, you can't, now is the beginning of true value investment,

Like the Internet, then 02 years after the Internet bubble, a large number of death, also gives birth to a number of real became a giant company and chain block within a year to five years out of the Internet, and I think block chain of a bear market, the stock market is shorter than the real life, time is more short, I don't know how long, may be three months, five months, half a year, I believe that block chain or sexy, hope everyone to block chain as well as keep the strong curiosity, I agree with wei star just speak, spend a little money to buy a little bit of money, so you can understand how to use the purse, how to transfer money, can feel the charm here,

A lot of times you only see the shore, if there is no jump down, you only see forever, wei star you ever think of, you this other words, may after a multicast group, at three o 'clock this evening many will buy some COINS,

Wei-shing Chen: every time I buy COINS, the second day is falling!

(the host) wang: were you secretly buy before, now you tell you, is not the same!

Zhu bo: investors say to go up, is to fall, because it is running, the currency today is decentralized, so wei-shing Chen doesn't work, the majority of people is bullish,

(the host) wang: wei star said just now to make a bit of fraud, media exposure, you is to rely on mine?

Zhu bo: we through technical means to each project parties in the chain of blocks in the amount of cash all points clear, is there so much, are you and your kumite, or serious there are so many people in there, in the April 8, I will post the first report, is to see how many block chain in real project is alive, how much is dead, and how much it is a good project, we are now on the analysis of the,
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