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President Chen: [video] Cerberus investment intelligent power financial payment contract


Chen speech video


Mr Chen was established in 2005 to help zhu Cerberus investment company, Mr Chen is in the field of all kinds of investment and enterprise management has more than 20 years of rich experience, before joining Cerberus, Mr Chen was the head of the China network communications investment, during working in TCL, he served as a number of positions, including TCL network instrument company deputy general manager, Mr Chen is currently GTel members of the board of directors,

Below is zhu bo in block 2018 global chain (hangzhou) speech on the peak BBS:

Cerberus investment group President Chen

Chen: just saw so many people so warmly to block chain, wei star in particular, is also our old friend, worked together for many years ago, I put the blocks in the chain of looked at it and Cerberus for new technology has been more attention, the Cerberus things two or three years ago, chain blocks, in the United States, silicon valley has a fund to silicon valley seven to eight times a year, in silicon valley, there are a lot of and big data, financial related company, objective at that time, I did not think of block chain to China how so hot, it is a database to store in the silicon valley technology, and it is mainly involved in the chain block some at the bottom of the professionals in doing this project, we how much proportion in the investment of project, the specific proportion dare not say how much, but we cast and financial payment or big data related company 70% 80% into the block chain of research and development, it is the objective, since Cerberus funds in the field of payment, financial technology has carried on the layout three years ago, just talk about a project in March, is to pay for this, we got a special fund of 2 billion, dedicated to helping the company to the hands of the big fund companies in the United States share buy back, ready to go public next year,

Company financial payment is an important mission is to use block chain technology has brought a lot of opportunity, the opportunity is rare, in front of a boss at the time of speech, boss of complex beauty, saw the name I think is very interesting, I think he is very good, I like it very much do block chain mature, can do some real things, such a block chain company in the future will be very promising, I always thought that block distribution chain nature is Shared storage technology system, new generating technology is, in fact, the Internet, the very helpful for the future,

Special wei star said just now I feel the same way very much, this is to bring China to a very big chance to reshape China's financial industry, this sentence to pull more high has its own view and value, and the financial industry to reshape the opportunity, may all the reshaping of the high-tech enterprises because of the financial sector in the field of make myself very strong, probably will be in an impregnable position in the process of competition, because you can quickly integrate all resources, so this thing to block chain how high can be won, which I think is very good,

Block chain for Chinese enterprises is a ecological technology platform, the nature of chain block is a software, database technology, my undergraduate course is to learn computer software, I have ever wanted to do a software investment fund, later I found here is too small, there is no big software company,

Because I learn software, I think can do a, block chain is reshaping industry ecosystem brought about by everybody, I come late, complex beauty refers to the entire supply chain, supply chain finance reform great changes will bring a lot of enterprises, last year we throws a lot of related to pay, because pay is the lifeline of the entire supply chain, is a gene in the peristalsis, grasp the pay is a lot of industry chain core things, all of the contract, all the business finally will show in the payment, so smart contract a lot of things I think is very bright, essentially, block chain to the Internet, is to add the TCPIP protocol in three things: trust, trading, intelligent contracts, so hold three innovative, more attractive, we caught the specific application, because we are make investment, I might not be the same and other funds, I of the project in technology, how to use the block chain platform, the new database, can give the enterprise to bring greater power is concerned about you, this is my point, I believe that many companies will use of chain blocks, like many company 20 years ago, using the web portal, every company has web portal, but looking back on it really become a big company in the field of the Internet, or be able to become a listed company, is not a portal, such a simple thing, a business, resource integration of the company must have unique advantages of enterprises, they can become a great company in the future the future block chain,
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