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maximum word split using dynamic programming


Given a string s and a dictionary of valid words d, determine the largest number of valid words the string can be split up into using dynamic programming

I tried solving this problem with the code below but it is not giving me the answer I am looking for. Can someone please help me understand how dynamic programming can be used to solve this problem. I am particularly trying to solve it with a bottom up approach.

def word_split_dp(s):
    n = len(s)
    ans = [0]*n
    # base case
    ans[0] = 0
    for i in range(1, len(s)):
        ans[i] = float('-inf')
        for j in range(1, i-1):
            ans[i]= max(ans[i], ans[i-j]   wordcheck(s,i,j))
    return ans[n-2]
def wordcheck(s,i,j):
    for word in dict:
        start = i-j 1
        if(s[start:i] == word):
            return 1
            return float('-inf')

CodePudding user response:

There are a few issues in your attempt. Starting from the top:

  • Assuming that ans[i] represents the maximum number of partitions of the substring s[0:i] into valid words, you'll need to make this list one entry longer, so that there is an ans[n], which will eventually contain the answer, i.e. the maximum number of partitions in s[0:n] which is s. So change:

    ans = [0]*n


    ans = [0]*(n 1)
  • Because of the reasoning given in the first bullet point, the final return should be return ans[n] instead of return ans[n-2].

  • Again because of the reasoning given in the first billet point, the outer loop should make one more iteration, so change:

    for i in range(1, len(s)):


    for i in range(1, len(s) 1):
  • Assuming that j represents the size of the substring to test, the inner loop should allow i-j to eventually reach back to 0, so j should be able to reach the value i. That means the inner loop should make two more iterations. So change:

    for j in range(1, i-1):


    for j in range(1, i 1):
  • In wordcheck, the slice from s should start at i-j, as j represents the size of the slice. So change:

    start = i-j 1


    start = i-j
  • In wordcheck, the loop will always exit in its first iteration. It cannot loop more as it always executes a return. You should not exit the loop when there is no success. The return float('-inf') should only be made when all words have been tried. So remove:

            return float('-inf')

    and instead add at after the loop:

    return float('-inf')

Those are the issues. The code with all those corrections:

def word_split_dp(s):
    n = len(s)
    ans = [0]*(n 1)  #correction
    # base case
    ans[0] = 0
    for i in range(1, len(s)   1): # correction
        ans[i] = float('-inf')
        for j in range(1, i   1): # correction
            ans[i] = max(ans[i], ans[i-j]   wordcheck(s,i,j))
    return ans[n] # correction
def wordcheck(s,i,j):
    for word in words:
        start = i-j # correction
        if s[start:i] == word:
            return 1
        # don't interrupt loop otherwise
    return float('-inf')
print(word_split_dp(s))  # -inf
print(word_split_dp(s))  # 5
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