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show text when clicking on a 3D object


I am fairly new to Unity and am currently working on a small project.

My problem is this.

I want to display text when I click on the cube.

I have a total of four different cubes, all of which should display different text when clicked.

The solution I have so far works, but of course now when I click on the cubes the same text comes up and if I assign each cube its own text they all appear at once.

The cubes should also rotate and when clicked on just stop and display the text.

I tried it with the Event Trigger System and assign different texts, but without success.

Any suggestion for a solution?

I tried it with the Event Trigger System and assign different texts, but without success.

Any suggestion for a solution?

An example of a text per object

Updating TextMeshPro dynamically

If you're looking only to change one TextMeshPro component but vary the text per cube, then you could add a custom string per GameObject:

[SerializeField] private string customText = "Default Text - Change Me!";

And update the text inside the OnMouseDown() method:

textMeshProUGUI.text = customText;

Although with the latter, the _isRevealed state would still be per cube, meaning that toggling the state of one will make the text disappear, even if others are active.

An example of a shared TextMeshPro component

CodePudding user response:

  1. You are using input.GetMouseButtonDown, when you click anywhere all the boxes run the same code, you don't specify which box is clicked you only looking for a click, I suggest you use raycast to send a ray to detect which box you are clicking and run ,

  2. Add this script to the camera or player and give all the boxes gameobject a "Box" Tag :

    void Update()
       if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
      RaycastHit hit;
      Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
      if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
          Transform objectHit = hit.transform;
          if (objectHit.CompareTag("Box"))
  3. add this function to the Rotator Script and remove the code from update :

     public void RotateObject()
         if (rotateObject)
          rotateObject = false;
          rotateObject = true;
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