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sum rows from two different data frames based on the value of columns


I have two data frames


            ID  Year Primary_Location Secondary_Location  Sales
0           11  2023          NewYork            Chicago    100
1           11  2023             Lyon      Chicago,Paris    200
2           11  2023           Berlin              Paris    300
3           12  2022          Newyork            Chicago    150
4           12  2022             Lyon      Chicago,Paris    250
5           12  2022           Berlin              Paris    400


            ID  Year Primary_Location  Sales
0           11  2023          Chicago    150
1           11  2023            Paris    200
2           12  2022          Chicago    300
3           12  2022            Paris    350

I would like for each group having the same ID & Year: to add the column Sales from df2 to Sales in df1 where Primary_Location in df2 appear (contained) in Secondary_Location in df1.

For example: For ID=11 & Year=2023, Sales for Lyon would be added to Sales for Chicago & Sales for Paris of df_2.

New Sales of Paris for that row would be 200 150 200=550.

The expected output would be :


            ID  Year Primary_Location Secondary_Location  Sales
0           11  2023          NewYork            Chicago    250
1           11  2023             Lyon      Chicago,Paris    550
2           11  2023           Berlin              Paris    500
3           12  2022          Newyork            Chicago    400
4           12  2022             Lyon      Chicago,Paris    900
5           12  2022           Berlin              Paris    750

CodePudding user response:

Not so easy your question...

Proposed code

import pandas as pd

# Your dummy dataset
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'ID': [11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12],
                   'Year': [2023, 2023, 2023, 2022, 2022, 2022],
                   'Primary_Location': ['NewYork', 'Lyon', 'Berlin', 'Newyork', 'Lyon', 'Berlin'],
                   'Secondary_Location': ['Chicago', 'Chicago,Paris', 'Paris', 'Chicago', 'Chicago,Paris', 'Paris'],
                   'Sales': [100, 200, 300, 150, 250, 400]

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'ID': [11, 11, 12, 12],
                   'Year': [2023, 2023, 2022, 2022],
                   'Primary_Location': ['Chicago', 'Paris', 'Chicago', 'Paris'],
                   'Sales': [150, 200, 300, 350]

def get_dict(g):
    return {g['Primary_Location'].iloc[i]:g['Sales'].iloc[i] for i in range(len(g))}
# return these dictionnaries
# {'Chicago': 100, 'Paris': 200}
# {'Chicago': 300, 'Paris': 350}

tot = []
def func(g):
    global df1, tot
    i, somme = [0]*2
    iterdf = df1.iterrows() # Dataframe iterator
    kv = get_dict(g) # Get dicts

    while i < len(df1):
        row = next(iterdf)[1]
        # Select specific df1 rows to modify by ID and Year criteria
        if g['ID'].iloc[1]==row['ID'] and g['Year'].iloc[1]==row['Year']:
            somme = row['Sales']
            for town in row['Secondary_Location'].split(','):
                if town in kv:
                    somme =kv[town]
        i =1

df2.groupby(['ID', 'Year']).apply(lambda g: func(g))
df1['Sales'] = tot

Result :

   ID  Year Primary_Location Secondary_Location  Sales
0  11  2023          NewYork            Chicago    250
1  11  2023             Lyon      Chicago,Paris    550
2  11  2023           Berlin              Paris    500
3  12  2022          Newyork            Chicago    450
4  12  2022             Lyon      Chicago,Paris    900
5  12  2022           Berlin              Paris    750

Are you sure of the result in line 3, my script found 450 and not 400 ?

CodePudding user response:

This should work:

s = 'Secondary_Location'
(df.assign(Secondary_Location = lambda x: x[s].str.split(','))
.join(df2.set_index(['ID','Year','Primary_Location'])['Sales'].rename('Sales_2'),on = ['ID','Year',s])
.assign(Sales = lambda x: x['Sales']   x['Sales_2'])


   ID  Year Primary_Location Secondary_Location  Sales
0  11  2023          NewYork            Chicago    250
1  11  2023             Lyon      Chicago,Paris    550
2  11  2023           Berlin              Paris    500
3  12  2022          Newyork            Chicago    450
4  12  2022             Lyon      Chicago,Paris    900
5  12  2022           Berlin              Paris    750
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