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Filecoin distributed storage, 3.0 blocks to achieving chain?


???? Our life road more walk more narrow, often not because not smart enough, but because no longer believe,

???? Don't know since when, we all things to the society, have to to the next part places want to peace of mind, as if only in this way, can prove all thought correctly, can always "not" for himself "unsuccessful" "life in the underlying" find a reasonable excuse, thus proved his tact, there is always a pair of insight into the eyes of the world, as a result, almost reads like a poem "from cheng gu:" you don't want to grow flowers, you say, I don't like to see it, a little bit of litter, yes, in order to avoid over, you avoid it all began, "

???? Filecoin mentioned, you will think what keywords? Distributed storage? To raise $200 million? Biggest monetary circle 1 CO project?

???? The Filecoin by Wall Street investment bank interest, Currency tell you whether it is worthwhile to invest?

???? Several times a skip Filecoin took "king pigeon" hat, its main region level 148888 also officially launched, Filecoin, was one of Wall Street eight winds investment institutions, is worth the investment it cost then? Distribution of memory areas and to promote the large-scale application of block chain technology?

???? This article will let you know Filecoin and some things to know before investing in it,

???? 1, raising $257 million in Filecoin circle of monetary financing record, vc institutions have a bet on

???? Filecoin since 2017 has always been the focus of monetary circle, at the same time is also considered the key of WEB3.0 currency and the new wealth creation myth,

???? Financing activities, starting from Filecoin Filecoin won a $5700 investment, including sequoia Capital, union square ventures, Anderson horowitz fund, the Winklevoss eight famous investment institutions such as Capital; Subsequently, Filecoin compliance in Coinlist financing platform, as a qualified investor (over $200000 annually) financing, raised $257 million an hour, a record of the currency, financing,

???? Why Filecoin get the favour of capital? Just because of the tremendous imagination distributed storage + block chain,

???? 2, Filecoin "ambition", will open a new era of distributed storage

???? Output value in 2019, the cloud storage break through $46 billion, but now, most of the market share by those big company divided up, with the continuous upgrade of intelligent terminal equipment and popularization, and the rise of the short video software people growing data, store the demand of the market is growing, cloud storage industry will become the billions of market,

???? And the rise of distributed storage, will make up for the inadequacy of the existing cloud storage business, may even change the pattern of cloud storage industry, filecoin is such a project was high hopes,

???? Filecoin mentioned, many people would think IPFS, IPFS full name for interstellar file system, is a network transmission protocol, Http, intended to replace and Filecoin IPFS running on an incentive mechanism, which USES block chain technology to establish a point-to-point storage market, allows you to quickly and cheaply to store data, reducing the dependence on the central server,

???? 3. Filecoin or promote the large-scale application of block chain technology

???? In short, we can put the Filecoin understanding of reality in the field of storage, Filecoin without any barriers to entry, anyone can become a data storage service provider or user, as long as there is available hardware devices and the Internet, Filecoin does not depend on the trusted third party agencies to provide services, but by local scrip FIL pay and subsidies, encourage the miners to provide storage services to more people,

???? If you have a spare hard disk and bandwidth resources, can the mortgage amount of FIL tokens, began to dig on Filecoin network, when someone USES your storage resources and satisfied with the services provided by you, you will receive a token reward; If you provide service can not satisfy the user, your mortgage tokens will be confiscated, the above is the core of Filecoin mining logic,

???? Filecoin as a decentralized service network, able to block chain incentive mechanism, to mobilize the idle storage and bandwidth resources, global and Filecoin platform will produce a variety of new applications, making it easier to implement and develop, so Filecoin is considered to be the most possible large-scale applications outside the financial sector block chain technology projects,

???? 4. Filecoin scrip economy system

???? Filecoin is filecoin local currency, the fund circulation of 2 billion, distribution is as follows:

???? - 70% Filecoin miners (reward) mining

???? - 15% : Protocol Labs (for technology development and market promotion and so on, the linear distribution of 6 years)

???? - 10% : investors (financing purposes, 6 months to 3 years linear distributed)

???? 5% : Filecoin foundation (in community construction and network management fees, etc, using linear distribution of 6 years)

???? In Filecoin tokens, economic system, the users pay FIL tokens, miners to obtain FIL by providing storage space, when the market demand for Filecoin network storage and retrieval of the increases, the value of the FIL, depends on the size of its storage and retrieval market, FIL demand also will increase, therefore, Filecoin prosperity and miners in user needs, resulting in a more widespread usage scenarios,

???? Five, Filecoin worth the investment?

???? Earlier, Filecoin mining encountered "the chicken or the egg came first, Filecoin mining mechanism Settings: participate in mining miners have to lock in a certain number of FIL as a pledge, now, you can buy FIL to pledge to dig, the central exchange Currency Filecoin online in the morning on 16th, will support the FIL/USDT trading,

???? The official explanation is given, design the mechanism for two reasons: one is to eliminate misconduct or slow miners; 2 it is to raise the cost of 51% attack,

???? According to this setting, early Filecoin mining demand for FIL is far greater than the demand for FIL, in order to participate in mining activities, the miners need to mortgage of FIL in the early days, this would increase the shortage of FIL, however, FIL long-term value still depends on the use of Filecoin network, after all, the value of the current decentralized storage has not manifested, Filecoin still have a lot of hype, investors should be wary, rational investment,

???? Reviewing the development of chain block 12 years, the currency by implementing monetary decentralization, opens the block chain 1.0 times; Decentralized etheric fang by implementing calculation, open the chain block 2.0 times; Filecoin through the use of technology to realize distributed storage block chain, chain blocks to achieving 3.0 era? We will get the answer,

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