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A high-profile FIL currency, investors and investment institutions favored block chain star project


Before the start of this article, I believe that friends already know about the current state of the Internet, also understand the IPFS ongoing work and work in the future, is going to work is distributed storage!

We together look at IPFS development situation, May 2014, Dr. Juan by Stanford university computer Bennett formally put forward the idea of the whole IPFS distributed storage, so laboratory team, was founded in May 2014, at present, is to buy a new elite, the core team and technology research and development personnel more than 76 personnel, they respectively from the world-class universities, such as Stanford university, Massachusetts institute of technology, harvard these known as one of the best in the world, such as schools in China, as everybody knows, if young children can study in these schools, it is full of pride, and yet, the project development team, from world-class global multinational technology companies at the core of talent,

By the laboratory background and members of the team, the technical barriers of the project, is very high, the IPFS exactly is what? This is the underlying storage a distributed protocol, called star file system, so what is the idea of it, sharing mechanism was adopted to enrich the storage network, now, all of us to share this concept is not all strange oh sure, right, for example we use Shared the bike, the bike, but also drops, and so on, it is introduced the idea of sharing, so IPFS actually very simple, is Shared and we all unused storage space, the bandwidth of the idle resources, let everyone have a storage space can participate, contribute storage space in the network,

Using Shared schema, a new Internet protocol and chain block technology, can really bring more benefits, for example, discussed the network more secure, more efficient data transmission and storage costs are lower, so IPFS official team, and to encourage more people to join the IPFS, contribute their storage space, provide data storage services on the Internet, therefore, when developing IPFS agreement, the official team has added a very important experience, that is Filecoin, Filecoin also born at this time, it is now, investors and investment institutions favored block chain star project 2020,

Filecoin, that is to use the IPFS and block distributed storage network technology to build the chain, that today we are here to learn and know about this project, we, as ordinary people, ordinary investors, what are we to want to invest? Actually investment is mill or call him the storage server,

The first conclusion is what? Is what we want to know, block chain IPFS itself? The answer is no, IPFS isn't a block chain project, everybody wants to know this concept, he first itself it is not a block chain, also is not a kind of digital tokens, but what a, a new kind of Internet the underlying protocol, his goal, is added, or even to replace the traditional Internet HTTP, the underlying protocol that you want to clear,

The second conclusion is what? Is Filecoin relationship with IPFS where Filecoin IPFS layer, the scrip, hereinafter referred to as FIL currency in order to better motivate people to contribute their own storage space in IPFS and data services, he is the only settlement IPFS this distributed storage network card, network, is not allowed in yuan, also can't use dollars and settlement, more can't use other digital currency settlement, can only use FIL currency settlement in the network, both in IPFS Filecoin blocks, the purchase order in the network only FIL COINS, so this FIL COINS, just need is one of the whole network, so we invest to buy this server is also called the mill, after we bought in network contribution? Contribution is the storage space and bandwidth resources,

That when it comes to block chain technology, actually a lot of our online partners is not able to understand clearly, now what's block chain?? Because we don't belong to the professional do block chain research and technical personnel, but mention block chain, why everyone is interested in? It is because we are ordinary investors, we can better understand and feel the exchanges are trading the attractive wealth behind the mainstream digital currency, new information and wealth opportunity, this lets everybody feel profitable money to be made, so for our vast investment in people, we may pay more attention to is not the whole ecological IPFS data storage, and Filecoin future increase in the price of space will bring us profits,

So to IPFS spread out, what is the incentive mechanism of IPFS, IPFS incentive mechanism is to use we usually called the mill storage server to do, on the premise of electricity automatically connected to the Internet, IPFS is FIL tokens, reward, so IPFS due to adopting the technique of block chain, so let's all resources contributor, can get such rewards, obtain FIL currency reward, we commonly known as mining,

Then this article here is over, the next star alliance peng teacher detailed explanation for everybody Fil miners source of income, let the small white have a basic understanding of, if you feel my words, can direct messages I have not understand place, I'll answer for you!
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