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From EOS and light chain, refined block 3.0 critical chain


Definition of chain blocks 3.0, there is no authoritative and unified conclusion, but the basic recognition is 3.0 2.0 does not address the core problem: in order to solve the low transaction throughput, not practical, industry chain blocks technical efficiency, safety, go to the center impossible triangle have a consensus, so the technical team at home and abroad in order to improve the transaction throughput block chain to make it reach the level of practical application, basically is to use weak center or a half way to realize chain blocks 3.0, specific how to structure design center, set up center on what level, let the center node in the open environment is safe, if credible again at the same time, the solution to current teams each are not identical, each team said their 3.0 scheme is the best, how many how many can achieve throughput, solved the difficult problem throughput, this paper is to a true gold fears not the fire, selection of foreign and domestic most representative 3.0 each one, to the "refined" block chain top technical team gold at home and abroad, then I won't be other block chain team pattern was confused by the words,

3.0 project is the most representative abroad EOS (grapefruit), EOS team thinking and approach to solving this problem is this: 2.0 the etheric lane transaction throughput decentralized structure is the cause of low lead to need too much consensus and data synchronization of nodes, the performance and stability of a large number of nodes in the wan bandwidth is different, to reach a consensus and data synchronization, must spend a lot of time, so, limit participation in the number of nodes and puts forward the bandwidth performance stability requirements for participating nodes, inevitably can greatly improve the speed of consensus and synchronization, who is qualified to be the node, in order to achieve a relative fair and balanced global worldwide solicitation only candidate super node, the community selected from candidate nodes to vote "is for" formal "constitution" and through the community constraint represents evil has become the inevitable choice, elected 21 super node, became a center of 21 nodes,

EOS is, of course, not to select the super node and then simply copy the original decentralized technical route, in order to make 21 super node can maximize and the most balanced approach work in parallel, EOS used the structured management way, let shard 21 super node parallel processing different DAPP trade request, also is the EOS parallel computing technology, is a familiar formula and taste? Right, back to the traditional trusted environment parallel computing model of distributed system, however, due to the 21 wan on super node distribution all over the world, even if consensus node number is only 21, even if the DPoS consensus agreement to complete the 21 nodes, even Angela merkel tree compression technology is used to synchronize the index, the distributed structure of the model has a feature when the node number, and each node bandwidth performance stability, the system data throughput of the limit can be precisely calculated in theory, is a word limit,

EOS team system design throughput one million times per second is why? This is the super node and the number of single node to calculate bandwidth performance stability constraints limit value of the theory, the actual production environment, there are many unknown factors, may want to make a big discount, so the overall design scheme of the EOS of the original problem is EOS will for a long time below level only for millions of throughput, design reserved for future no elasticity, replacement costs in the future will be very expensive, and 21 of the super node completely exposed, will become the eyes of the hacker beacon, is the so-called "not afraid of thieves steal and they were afraid to thinking,"

Project is the most representative 3.0 home light chain, light chain team thinking and approach to solve this problem is this: if the consensus of decentralized and synchronization is the key cause of block chain transaction throughput is low, just rely on decrease the number of node can only alleviate the problem, can not fundamentally achieve dynamic expand throughput capacity according to the demand, so the light path chain team, with the method of layered and fragmentation, stratification of the original single chain structure into a double chain structure, form the parent chain and sub chain layer, the parent chain layer decentralized entry and backup data stored in the chain, the substring layer real request processing business, shard will each DAPP matching substring is isolated from each other, so that all sub chain parallel processing business, and substring is the plug type, for example the parent chain similar super big lug plate, similar each substring plug, along with plug, the structure design of equivalent to the governance of the chain of each note right down to the child chain organizations and communities, and center node's position in the whole system also sank to substring layer,

This stratification of light chain fragmentation, the center node sinking, pluggable structure design is the most advanced weak center or half structure design, the natural solution to the dynamic capacity and throughput dynamic expansion block chain, simplified model, if the light chain inserted just a sliver chain, the blade on the chain has 21 nodes, and the light chain is degraded as the EOS, if you insert N sliver chain, that is N EOS, the expansion ability is a very terrible? And every note chain can be based on their own in their own communities application scenario of collecting the custom super node number, technical parameters and so on, light chain team in order to improve the single blade chain safety and reduce costs, introducing the TEE hardware authentication technology, which will greatly enhance the safety of the substring center node, reduce the amount of the center node to reduce costs, incidentally also speed up the deal of substring,
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