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Yang dong, vice President of the law school of renmin university of China: block chain make profit d


Yang dong interview video

New technology will promote the development of productivity,
Marxism economics tells us that productivity development certainly need the matching of the production relations and adaptation,
The raise is the core of financial system, block chain is the key technology,
Middlemen more, the greater the its cost is higher, the greater the risk, so a few times financial crisis because of intermediary institutions are too big,

Block chain profit distribution fairer

First in big ways, at least this wave of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, Internet of things, such as the development of science and technology has reached a new pole broke out, already from quantitative change to qualitative change, that there is no doubt that this new technology will promote the development of productive forces, the marxism economics tells us that productivity development certainly need a kind of production relationship coordination and adaptation,

So to change the production relations, so how can we improve the productive relations? Production relations change is not so easy thing, just the technology with the block chain, it can have a change of production relation effect, for example the raise by chain block this kind of organization form, it will change the production relations, the biggest change is the benefit distribution mechanism has changed, who is no longer pay, whoever rich earn big head, monopoly capitalism that set of patterns not line, otherwise the financial monopoly capitalism monopoly capitalism, poorer, the rich richer the poor people of ordinary people have no money didn't have a chance to forever, but I had the resources, I have the knowledge, I am diligent, can I pay a labor and so on, as long as the consumer interests participants, this in addition to the shareholders of the stakeholders, consumers, employees of labor, stakeholders, etc., he should get the corresponding distribution of interests, so this some time ago I said in an article, the raise is the core of financial system, block chain is the key technology, the Token is sometimes translated as certificate, is the benefit sharing mechanism, through the technology has changed a new organization form, new trading patterns, new profit distribution rules, the sharing of benefits,

Internet financial innovation is core to the mediation

As alibaba in the past ten years, the ant gold suits, jingdong financial, tencent's corner overtaking, makes China was very backward financial, in the Internet financial, in the field of financial technology this small, all of a sudden became the world's leading position, this is the us acknowledge that

I understand that this wave of Internet finance, financial technology, innovation of is what? In a nutshell is to go to mediation, point-to-point, distributed, resources parties directly connection, reduce the intermediate links, reduce the information asymmetry, improve efficiency, I tell you the all the raise financial translated into English, I have created an English word that We Finance, financial, is everyone pratt & Finance, our financial make myself, really don't need too much intermediary institutions, because intermediaries like Banks, insurance, securities markets, are formed by the industrial revolution for hundreds of years, it played a huge role, but the more the greater its intermediary link, its cost is higher, the greater the greater the greater the risk, so a few times financial crisis because it is big, in fact, the financial crisis is because of the risk of intermediary institutions,
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