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Chain overwhelming noviceblue: traditional assets


noviceblue interview video


Introduce the guests

Jiang tao

CSDN, founder and President, graduated from sichuan university and application software of computational mathematics, served as a group, the giant Chinese application development manager, deputy general manager of Beijing kingsoft, has developed the kingsoft powerword, heroes such as super XieBa well-known software, as extremely KeBang founder, he has also invested in many block chain project,
Write a smart took ten dollars contract, this kind of situation will not soon,
The size of an economy (the etheric fang) in just three years time, it changed from 0 to 100 billion dollars or more, so it is proved that this new bring a new mode of production relations or a new breakthrough,

Health is the source of revolution
Entrepreneurship, especially chain blocks (technology) comrades now so stressed and don't sleep at three o 'clock (evening), I was at the age of 35 2005 have begun to have some body condition is not very good, so start (craft),

The following is a dialogue wonderful content

Q 1

We also talked about just now, "said now block chain industry talent shortage, it and we are currently existing programmers to this block chain professional technician, you are following a path between them should be what kind of?

Is IT still use the original this technology, so for the experienced technical personnel to enter into this industry take 1 to 3 months, can as soon as he can get started to be developed, IT is actually there are two challenges and threshold, the first is to do this kind of system level, because modern or do the protocol layer at the bottom of the the development of this technology, IT and our traditional these same IT technology of cloud computing is different, the mechanism of its entire mechanism, operation model, consider this is efficiency such as IT is and is not original, so the threshold is relatively high,
? The second level is the most important at the core of talent is not to say that only the technology system level, technology talented person, must first have to understand understand technology is only the first on the one hand, you have to understand, how to design your economic system, how to design your the Token mechanism, how could you let your Token mechanism can drive, can produce more value, right? The third is the change of the organization system, it can structure is no longer the original structure of the company, or do you consider the scope of, you may still have a company, but the company does its range should be more wide, the more the participants able to design, how can let in his design, so it requires organizational and technical aspects of the economy comprehensive talent, and this is now the lack of,

So study technology now? Want to go to learn financial, economics, everybody is like our side now that a lot of research on card are watching what Austrian, including our wei-shing Chen in economics, the study is very interesting, the study of economic and financial, you see now that fire COINS is that Yuan Yuming hired? Securities companies these economists right now, the original is the study of financial economy of these people have started to enter this (industry), he to understand the technology, but the real fall you have to write code, this you have to let you design as the operation of the mechanism can truly, so this time if you don't understand technology, will not be able to further understand the code behind IT skills, and defects and limitations, could you design that is a castle in the air is impractical, a lot of people in fact is to AI originally included in IT. May be such a cognitive, think IT is omnipotent, finally found that IT's not like that,


Q 2

You have what side block chain project?

My own fund called KeBang funds, we have nearly 90 multiple projects, it should be up to ten are doing upgrading and transformation of block chain,
Second to say we now also puts forward the concept of a group called DCO, that is the future of the organization form may appear a kind of new organization form, between companies and communities of a form, we call it a distributed collaboration,


3 Q

That you do investors which items will be popular with you?

Now it should be said that the most (popular) has two categories or has three categories, the first kind is just about now is the basis of the technical facilities, is also very weak, or that there are a lot of room for improvement, so to make improvements in infrastructure technology upgrade innovation such technologies and technical personnel, are worth the investment, because it is the earliest we will build an Internet company as a foundation,

The second category is what we see, the development of the Internet infrastructure is indeed, you like the original infrastructure is who? Is cisco is right, establish a network device, cisco, huawei, then there is Microsoft set up a Windows, we can to run on a variety of applications, so the beginning of the largest this development is the infrastructure company, that then application to the company, so we think now block Chain system Chain, the Chain each net world infrastructure also need right now? But also lack a lot of application, the application of these come from? In the first step in the application is actually called balance on the chain, is the traditional world of assets, such as real estate transactions, may be difficult in China, in the United States had begun to appear such company, is the flow of the property, such as real estate mortgage I want to have it out, that the original if use bank's efficiency is still relatively low, the second every transaction amount is larger, right? Is my house could be worth 10 million dollars, I want to mortgage it flows, the bank will give you fifty percent cut said four fold, because you can only sell it to him,

You dare not to sell to personal right, but we also put it in this block chain and Token, it can be split up small, everyone can buy you like the house of the bay area, you have no 10 million to buy such a house, but do you think it will be appreciation is right, as I have about 5 or 6 years to see the house is cheaper in America, has more than doubled this year, you should buy a house is if you don't, you buy a house you don't have much money, but I buy a house this is ok, 1% of the paid 10000 dollars, so it is called chain on traditional assets, this is now a big trend,

So these assets have better liquidity, in fact, the most important thing is to have liquidity, there are more people to buy it, it flows faster, its trading will be more effective, so I think this is now you can see a lot of a trend, the bigger the trend of financial industry in fact is a shock,


Q 4

For the average person, how he joined the chain blocks the tide to come in? Such as may be in the phase of a bear market, now you go to buy currency is not only the risk of policy on investment, it also has some is financial risk, then what kind of advice do you have?

That the United States now has a noun is called holder, is the cash to the death, is the first of all, we have a basic assumption, said the chain block is a better Internet technology, then the Crypto encryption world currency in the future will be some people say that half of GDP, 10%, 1% or 5%, but it must be the value system must be established, and it is unstoppable, whether it's 1% or 5%, are much larger than now, because it's only $200 billion, enough of a company a market value of a fraction, so in the future it ten times up to one hundred times is inevitable, just a question of time,

May this year, I think there will be a lot of people go bankrupt, is now down 60%, right? If you press the lever, it is estimated that someone has gone bankrupt, in fact we know that many people have this blasting warehouse, so you don't want to gamble, the first don't bet too big, the second is that you should invest it, you missed the now, is to buy a house you missed, right? The second you don't think of it as a wealth, you put it as endowment insurance,
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