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Gold beans: teaching system will be further perfect in block chain technology


Artificial intelligence blustery, chain blocks, when science and technology education, IT is imperative to a revolution, in the education application, the advantages of the chain block, for education in the future, IT will play a huge role in promoting, cloud nine IT education as an IT education training professional institutions, for the sensitivity of the new technology to the continuous innovation and progress in teaching, block chain is just one of, the organization teaching staff development block chain technology, touchdown IT education is actively block chain technology was applied to education, courses in professional training block chain talents at the same time,

Now education is faced with many difficulties, including the degree of certification, recognized many not general, past learning experience and results is difficult to obtain, academic credentials, education resource sharing and so on, hard study information data is not perfect, as employers query candidate past learning experience a lot of inconvenience, learning information data is not yet a complete circulation channels, learning experience and archives information co., LTD., a variety of learning experience also associated hard, thus cannot let schools and employers have a more complete evaluation to the student,

Block chain is the available to solve this problem, by using distributed block chain records storage function, the student's personal information, learning experience, learning outcomes, such as content can be distributed storage in the education system, decentralized characteristics of block chain to other schools and unit of choose and employ persons can more convenient query Shared data content, block not tamper with the function of the chain at the same time also can ensure that the information of real and safe, cloud nine IT education are exploring using block chain of these functions to create education database technology, promote the development of the education informationization system process at the same time, through the education system, to show employers can give students their own professional skills and learning to provide a safe and effective platform, establishing education big data at the same time, more education for students in the future and cross-regional employment to provide more convenient, of men and achieve operational excellence talent,

Cloud nine IT education actuarial-oriented teacher said, through the block chain technology, will not only to show enterprise the student's academic record, along with the increase in participants, provide students the increase of personal data, also can let the student to obtain more data trust endorsed, a more comprehensive description of the quality and ability of students, help to fully understand the applicant enterprise of choose and employ persons, faster to achieve employment,

For education, bring convenience and function block chain not only so, block chain + education will be the future trend of the development of the education field, touchdown IT education technology will continue to further study of block chain, chain in blocks, artificial intelligence, new scientific and technological personnel such as large data at the same time, also trying to make more blocks chain has been applied technology, to promote the further development of education reform,
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