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Gold beans: block chain to enter the art market challenges


Chain is not perfect without faults, the block chain also exist such as 51% safe hidden trouble, the efficiency problem, consumption of resources, game and conflict between block defects to be solved, due to the regulation of block chain depends on all the nodes in the network to complete, so, in theory, if master cut in more than 51% of the work force have the ability to successfully tampering and forge the chain block data, because use of distributed storage, each node within the block chain all needs to keep a database, and any one deal other node in the network to all needs to authenticate and make records, the working efficiency of the system is low, especially in some scenarios block chain data exchange occurs frequently application performance will be restricted, so if you want to large-scale promotion and application of block chain technology, how to solve the system work efficiency will also be a problem,

First of all, the chain block is a new technology, even though we hope that it will lead to higher efficiency in compliance to run, but, after all, it is a new technology, and at the time of investment, must spend in a lot of research and development cost, the investment is every or every person willing to suffer, willing to invest, this is very much worth considering, moreover, block chain to enter the art market will cause the art aesthetic perception of the challenges, the generation of new technologies tend to be exciting, block in the management chain, verification has global influence, and at the same time, there is still a group of artists think the digital approach would reduce the perception of beauty in art, for the mainstream art world is welcoming the technology, still remains to be seen,

Block chain directly into the art world have to face is legal issues, such as, clear digital currency is a form of currency, its distribution rights exercised by the People's Bank of China, and make appropriate adjustments to the definition of related and the regulation of the clear attitude, spoke at the G20 summit held in Shanghai regulation problems, once the smart contract to block chain, where the arbitration, the implementation of the contract is not as stable as the paper contract, also block chain and the combination of the art market is still a long way to go,

Data is the root of block chain starts a career, block chain to good development in the field of art market will need global auction to block chain to open the door "information" but over the years since, global auction transaction records for the independent, closed, internal overlap, lead to art trading records inspection difficulty, at the same time, the seller due to various reasons, not foreign share all previous transaction documents file, data, therefore, auction company can share the related data source, will have decisive effects on block chain powder filling,
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