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CSDN noviceblue: block chain bringing forth a new breakthrough of production relations


noviceblue interview video


Introduce the guests

Jiang tao

CSDN, founder and President, graduated from sichuan university and application software of computational mathematics, served as a group, the giant Chinese application development manager, deputy general manager of Beijing kingsoft, has developed the kingsoft powerword, heroes such as super XieBa well-known software, as extremely KeBang founder, he has also invested in many block chain project,
Block chain world closer to the truth of the universe,
Chain on traditional assets, this is now a big trend
Token mechanism of the energy is greater than is greater than that of the original mechanism,

All heroes from child

Bill Gates and jobs to do software to do the PC, age is twenty langdang, shi yuzhu do giant, actually also is only 20 years old, are less than 30 years old, so each are newcomers to created a new industry, because the old man he couldn't take time off, he has a lot of things, so you don't look so strange, said the Vitalik fang (ether) are prepared, 19 years old do the etheric,

The following is a dialogue wonderful content

Block chain hello, and welcome to everyone, I am RuLin, today we are please to the guest is noviceblue CSDN President Sir, welcome to President jiang,

RuLin hello,

Q 1

President jiang when you contact the currency block chain these content, because you learn computer mathematics itself is, (contact) for a long time?

For, in fact, as early as in 2010, I have a partner, before I then is he left, he would dig COINS, when he was with his home computer (dig currency), his wife also too especially noisy, he was speaking with us to dig the spend not much money, but can make money, he may dug thousands, unfortunately he died 11 years!
So in that year was the first play COINS are actually such technology geek, then in 13, 14 years, in fact, a currency an outbreak of wealth, with 17 years in fact is the same size, it grew one hundred times, from several dozens of dollars to $one thousand, up about one hundred times the left and right sides,
In 17 years, the outbreak, the main reason is because the etheric lane of a breakthrough technology, so we call the second generation of the currency, it really to rich the whole this block the application of ecological chain, is not just say we can be used to do Fried currency trading, but can go on developing more projects, it should be said that showed us a bigger may, at the same time, of course, it also let issuing very easily, isn't it, as every company in fact you easily for your project, to go through this kind of issuing way financing, so last year and welcomed a equivalent to the outbreak of assets,

Q 2

That you know has happened in the process change?

Yes, then is has experienced several stages of change, so the first stage is the stage, notes it is a social experiment of financial or social wealth an Internet experiment, the man spent ten thousand COINS to buy a pizza, right? This is very famous at the time, now you see COINS is $ten thousand, so he bought a pizza is $one hundred million, the world's most expensive pizza, so the stage is a social experiment,
Then you can be serious to study, technical personnel, in fact, the currency is behind a BlockChain technology, it can create a distributed not tampered with a set of books, that so we can useful in many places, I'd like to confirm some information don't want to be modified, equaling, upstream and downstream tracing, supply chain management has many aspects, including so-called said the call and it is also put forward the intelligent Smart contract, the contract is the contract is performed by the application to, rather than by the people or by the line down, so this is the second layer of cognition, to the emergence of the third layer is the last year or the etheric lane, in fact, it represents a new generation of the so-called currency 2.0, set up a call global computer to run the above to run these distributed application, called a Dapp, is we see the equivalent of a new digital world,

Third cognitive, we enter a chain network, and the mutual chain net is its rules, drawn up by the computer to the highest law of it, for we may be said that we have a law, but the future of this law is a code, in this link, the participation of people will be relatively less, people will have to participate in, but more execution is carried out by a computer, so I think it's into a is a wider range of an innovative and revolutionary,

3 Q

You talked about just now is the first layer of the cognitive and it involves the patch notes or financial, we want to say that there is a time and society, we also say block chain in the future it will change after production relations, that it can really make our distribution more evenly, what do you think?

Every time the economy more reasonable allocation can obtain a bigger success is right, this is the kind of private company, we see that the past is then replaced by joint-stock company, joint stock company with greater vitality, listed companies have greater vitality, and in the chain of blocks in the inside, it is on the production relations of existing companies and organizations are a big a breakthrough, the breakthrough means that it can use this Token mechanism, can make the boundary scope of the company, is, in fact, everyone together to do things together for a common goal, and then have a common the interests is right, the company related to these interests may be able to produce a common interests, it became a is not a zero-sum game, but the cake together do this pattern, this pattern is Token mechanism can bring,
So it will be for existing I think the structure of the company for a bigger one evolution and upgrade, then we take an example, let's go to see the etheric, actually is the founder of the etheric lane, was a 19-year-old Vitalik, isn't it? Vitalik founded the company contact is probably less than ten people, he said we have to do so a new generation of the currency, because of the currency has some drawbacks, so we should put the Smart contract and Dapp this platform to do, then how can we design together,
You see that was in 2014's, its value should be a peak now, may to $100 billion, this is probably never a, don't call a company, is that it's the size of an economy in just three years time, it from zero to $100 billion or more, so it is proved that this new bring a new mode of production relations or a new breakthrough,

Q 4

You talked about just now is the second cognitive, is about block chain technology, block chain technology, for example it to center trusted not tampered with, and so on a series of advantages, it (for now) what is the disadvantage?

Now, it should be said block chain of infrastructure technology is not perfect enough, the user experience is not good enough, so if you want to really go to, from the perspective of a normal user into this world, it still has a lot of threshold, as the earliest of the Internet, originally the earliest Internet, I want to build their own a website that is very difficult, you have to take a long time, right? For development, we are doing a technical personnel, we want to build a website spends a lot of time, but now may be you say you don't have to build a web site, you open a blog you can make a weibo is? You is very simple, even you go to open a small shop become very simple,
So now, in the chain of blocks in the world, now the equivalent of the first web 1.0, perhaps so is very troublesome, you want to send a coin, for example, it has simplified a lot, but it still has a lot to a threshold and traps in the inside, and then you want to say I went to buy some of these COINS, found that you buy is not very convenient, after buying the preservation and management is also not convenient? There are a lot of people bought later is lost, or have stolen away from the safe, I think this technology also needs to have a two or three years of the progress of this quick,
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