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China academy of information communication He Baohong: the etheric fang are latecomers stepping ston


He Baohong interview video
https://v.qq.com/x/page/s0648mf5jpb.html? Start=272

He Baohong
(China academy of information communication, director of the institute time computing and big data)
He Baohong, computer majored, engaged in research on the Internet for more than 20 years, in block chain concept heat of the moment, but He Baohong look on coldly, he said, "we have been will overestimate the short-term effects of a technology, and underestimate the long-term impact of a technology," he himself for technical, social, business, some thinking was recorded in his own WeChat "what thinking" in the public, to read often is suddenly enlighted, sobering,

If the center can also be efficiency, trustworthy, then don't use block chain, it will produce more costs,
As data become the maturity of assets and related technology, so the emergence of chain block is inevitability,
Many data are temporary, low value, completely not necessary on the chain,
Often, first appeared in the history of technology technology will not necessarily succeed,

Why the chain block?

This technology there should be a necessity, because when doing the so-called value passed before, there is a way and means, but really need to trust a trust intermediary in the middle, or in the middle of an organization, and this kind of institution is often offline, in fact you do online payment, etc., you trust agency is actually offline, because you trust offline one agency, so you didn't trust the online payment, but the efficiency of this mode, the cost is very poor, the efficiency is very low cost is very high, so in our more and more data on the network becomes the value of the representative, or data as assets, has been the inevitability, from a technical perspective, block chain technology is used to a lot of P2P technology development perfect an evolution process, it is by a variety of technical combination of a product, so after years of development, the technology also can do the things,
As data become the maturity of assets and related technology, so the emergence of chain block is inevitability,

Block chain can solve the problem of what?

The main solution is that we do this kind of value transfer or trading on the Internet, the problem of trust between each other is not high, or forced to trust each other is a problem with a third party, just now I mentioned at the time of trusted third party, whether it is cost efficiency, and even the third party institution itself not to be trusted, then the value of the network transmission efficiency problem is a sore point, block chain makes our speed, costs could be improved significantly, and this is the most core,

Which scene need to go to the center?

Not to say that every place we all need to go to the center, if the center can also be efficiency, trustworthy, then don't use block chain, otherwise it will produce more costs,

I have always been opposed to center the statement, but said we traded in equality, such as some male chain of what, in between the main body of the chain has no authority, who also don't believe, but also have to deal, and can't find a trust, at this time is very need to block chain,

What kind of data can be on the chain?

Block chain in view of the data is of high value, because it have to take the chain, it should be intact the data record, and do some encryption processing, the price is very high, so it made it impossible to get all the data on the chain, it doesn't need, only the sensitive, high price, must be kept for a long time, the need to prevent tampering with data, we only need the chain, we said that big data a few years ago, many data are temporary, low value, you don't need to completely on the chain, and does not make sense, because costs is not to say that you can't put, costs too much, but you don't bargain,

EOS can take the place of the etheric lane?

This is possible, especially technical thing is possible, because we will continue the iteration, because often first appeared in the history of technology, technology will not necessarily succeed, success that often is in its second or third generation technology, is easy to succeed, the first generation is often in the exploration of the nature of, sometimes there will be a significant inherent defects, are often the second or third generation technology will be a success, without the widespread use of Ethernet lane, we don't know what block chain has a defect, so it may be later successful stepping stone, because you don't know where the hole is at the beginning, so need someone to continuously grope, try,

Digital currency bubble will be broken?

But personally, I always think it is will come down, because want to return to common sense, to return to people's common sense you will find that this was certainly not,

Because now is that it won't raise the concept of the currency, the currency will not issue, but the virtual currency can be made casually, similar corresponds to the gold, gold in this world we can't issue, right? But if we can produce all kinds of gold? Gold will not issue, I can issue other types of precious metals? I can issue other types of virtual currency? Why there is only a virtual currency, and other currencies cannot survive? This logic is not established,
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