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[blockbuster video] "thousand dollar hou" big fact: exchange gridlocked


Zheng Haosheng interview video

Interview record

Zheng Haosheng, VVBTC, senior vice President of

140000, a year wealth to turn over one hundred times,

23 years old, at the age of peers just step into society, Zheng Haosheng has basically realize freedom of wealth,

Each explorer at great risk, but they can also enjoy the most generous gift,

Zheng Haosheng buster experience may not deserve most of the people to follow, but standing at the top of the digital wave is these young forever, like Bill Gates founded Microsoft, 19, 21, Steve jobs founded apple,
Let me one day time will you break the total assets of tens of millions of,
For a mature good traders, secondary markets are always cash machines,
I learned to give up, learn to ratio of positions, learned to hedge risk,
Who me to stoop to contact with a person, I don't like this is in my here is absolutely impossible, I won't compromise,
I now is not as arrogant as before, is now going to be a humble,

The following is a dialogue wonderful content

Host: what is your opinion of freedom of wealth?

Zheng Haosheng: from positive is I can be free to choose my own want to do, and then I to life is some material things is not too big, it is more of a worry, this is the rapid growth of the wealth of their own social status to go to, but my virtues do not completely match the social status, namely their cognitive and this knowledge is not enough, it would be the people around you will be more and more strong, slowly will put some of my pride and proud thing to kill off,

Host: you privately, especially since the black is easily?

Zheng Haosheng: not the black, I think it's fun, share, and then there are a lot of people say I tease, see my friends when I was feeling is very interesting, and then send the play, life is so short hello fun a play, a good release is the life, is not tired of that kind of, have no meaning, just live self and true is true for everyone, so not tired all the time, I love you and I would like to contact with you, I don't like you, I would avoid contact with you, I won't because I grovel in business need to who I contact a person, I don't like with me it is absolutely impossible, I won't compromise to cater to others, not to do,

Host: what do you think is the material life level will have a big change?

Zheng Haosheng: actually, I think there is no big change, change is called express, such as before, now called car because the car can drink water, there is a hotel, originally think controlled with live 450012 thousand no difference, now I feel I still have a difference,

Host: just now also said you will is the part of the money he converted into legal tender, do some asset allocation,

Zheng Haosheng: I will buy the house, I have already bought some,

Host: bought some, so still joined property speculation,

Zheng Haosheng: that's not real estate, just say to I do a value of assets, such as I bought some of the commodity house, it will bring me some rent a revenue, it will make sure I have some fixed money every month to make, so it is in my this coin ring industry, in which one day collapse, that is no longer the income can still keep me, I have already no longer is the I only 140000, I have lived a fairly satisfactory life myself, that I'm going to give yourself a retreat, I am an adventurous man, but I don't have the necessary is to take all my fortune to do one thing,

Host: then what's your plan?

Zheng Haosheng: do what I like, now at least I'm still in the currency, I think now the currency circle of this market is very chaotic, no rules,

Host: how can you say chaos? No rules how to speak?

Zheng Haosheng: for example exchange came out of a mess, I hope that in this matter, I do with my experience to expel the bad product, leave the high quality, this is what I want to do, and I blow some cattle, the only said he can reach, compared to the industry have driven, that is to say I hope that the industry can be regularized,

Host: how to let the regularized it?

Zheng Haosheng: is to let those pure speculators is hurriedly company yellow, don't dry, quickly the compensate didn't have to pay, not the inside went in formal,

Become the main force after 95?

Zheng Haosheng: this is our risk control department of the eldest brother is 95,

Host: main force is 95,

Zheng Haosheng: there are main force in 97, is mainly to watch a play fake currency,

Host: how much salary the boss give you?

Zheng Haosheng: somebody else doesn't care about the salary, our salary is 3000 yuan, 3000 yuan monthly salary,

Is it okay for me to give up, who is this,

Up to 4000 line, line,

A moment, I'll say to record sound, za salary monthly salary? In 3000, still up? Rose ah, 3500 line not line? Media friends here chat well,

Host: young people like your company is quite much,

Zheng Haosheng: it is a lot of, the whole system and whether it is what architecture, is a group of young people get up,

Host: that if you go to do it, what are you going to do?

Zheng Haosheng: first of all, I will not cut project, I will not cut retail, and I will not to cut, cut, I can have the bottom line, I will do the service well, and there is something that is like I am open exchange, how much you charge, this is my money, you want to cash out of the question, this is a kind of ah, this is the most black, and that you want to go to (c), to pay 20 million on currency fee, give me 20 million dollars and then you again, I will give you your money hit off, then I for money, and then a break the project to you, right? Then I tell you, you break this project, I will give you the shelves, unless you give me 20 million, too many, why project die so fast this year, was not so fast die, actually also can live at least a half a month to a month, but (project) die so fast, it is because this is exchange cut to cut, cut everyone money all didn't,

OK do it wrong point is that it goes down, it goes down this behavior is if you tried is said that this thing is you should be responsible for official, because the system downtime cause you can't open, I can't open more also can't open air, I can't unwind, this is a core problem, a lot of emphasis is to rights and could not find the problem,

At about 12 to 14 hours a day has been stare, in addition to stare all day doing nothing, is a takeout at home for two months, now a lot of notes, don't stare for more than ten minutes a day, how is it possible to do a successful trader, because I tried, I paid, I think I should get the return,

Some media is not responsible for, is to break out of all the projects are assigned a project, and then the malicious report, wanton publicity, then go to joint banker is short the market, is that the media may be, as you know, I don't say who, is in a bad news every day, but their shareholders are COINS and etheric opened a lot of empty single lane, is the serious nonsense, will tell you the market is finished, and then make a lot of profit, think what other media, that is to say other media was black, but their ratio who all black,

Host: you are now back to see you feel very frivolous is before?

Zheng Haosheng: right.

Now that you see will also feel, like she is very young at that time very frivolous,

Zheng Haosheng: sure will, because people will want to grow up, but I now is not as arrogant as before, is now going to be a humble, can't say that is very modest, relative to the previous yourself will be very modest, I will be in this place will be have been trying to get some yourself this defect to fill out,
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