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[blockbuster video] "thousand dollar hou" Zheng Haosheng (middle) : 5 months money multipl


Zheng Haosheng interview video

Interview record

Zheng Haosheng, VVBTC, senior vice President of

140000, a year wealth to turn over one hundred times,

23 years old, at the age of peers just step into society, Zheng Haosheng has basically realize freedom of wealth,

Each explorer at great risk, but they can also enjoy the most generous gift,

Zheng Haosheng buster experience may not deserve most of the people to follow, but standing at the top of the digital wave is these young forever, like Bill Gates founded Microsoft, 19, 21, Steve jobs founded apple,
Was about 12 to 14 hours a day has been stare, in addition to stare all day doing nothing, is order in home call for two months,
Rear currency circle K line is serious, I suggest is if you really want to play through the line COINS, one is the depth, the second is to see,

You go to casinos to play, you lose money at a casino you said, you this casino machine has a problem, make sense? So although I lost a lot of money, but I think compensate,

(project) die too soon, because this is exchange cut to cut, cut everyone money all didn't,

The following is a dialogue wonderful content

The host: for the first time running the how many money?

Zheng Haosheng: 140000 is my money,

Host: is you got,

Zheng Haosheng: right.

Host: on September 4, to the (2017) to that part of the money is probably how many times?

Zheng Haosheng: on September 4, I settled in the evening, about 20 million of funds, is on the day of admission from early April to September 4 is probably less than one hundred times, nearly one hundred times, eight more than ten times,

After the rich material world

Zheng Haosheng: that boy billionaire in 97, is the 97, what do you think they are full of home room, the room of Beijing, then the driving luxury cars, I like to buy tables,

Host: any good table table?

Zheng Haosheng: and Cartier, patek philippe, Chopin, Abby, and rolex, I bought 30 pieces of the omega man,

Just personal hobby, I at ordinary times with this watch, I heard you this is worth tens of millions, nor is followed hao rose always earn a little, less than 1/10 of his,

Host: that is how you think about is currently is the coin ring this bubble?

Zheng Haosheng: coin ring foam I think so, I think there are many cents share especially clear ring and chain ring, and is despised coin chain circle does not pay attention to technology, despise the chain coin circle poor, that I think currency circle chain ring is not separation, the bubble is such a show, because of the bubble is the speculators, because of the speculators, the bubble will constantly change, and then the process of bubble grows, more and more people play, not just make money this financial product, has become a more well-known investment target, also let more geeks became block chain technology enabler, this is my understanding of the definition of a bubble,

Host: what do you think the bubble is? Is it big or small?

Zheng Haosheng: bubble in 10 of the final three months of 2017 is bigger and bigger, now began to more and more small, and now it's almost didn't, when small bubble, edging out the development after the upgrade, is a layer, and then bubble is bigger and bigger, then small is a such a process of development,

Host: what do you think of the bubble become bigger and then rise, and then change big rise, it is also been pushing technology or push forward the industry and right?

Zheng Haosheng: yes, I understand the performance of financial markets is driving the development of technology, rather than a technology-driven financial,

The host: so what do you think it is a technology must be combined with financial, then it can have a further development on?

Zheng Haosheng: actually this money this thing itself is a financial product, at the present stage performance in the financial market is greater than all,

Host: what is the standard that you choose the Token?

Zheng Haosheng: first said my personal investment, I do all the chain project each project for the same money,

Host: every male chain?

Zheng Haosheng: yes, because I don't know which project will develop well,

Host: the investment may not be suitable for the majority of people like you,

Zheng Haosheng:

Host: that for the average person, how he's investment is a relatively reasonable configuration?

Zheng Haosheng: for ordinary investment advice, in addition to the currency what also don't buy! I think more amateur players is amateur players choose amateur mode, professional players to choose professional model,

I have a friend, when he is in five thousand yuan to the etheric fang do more, then add margin, constantly keep adding margin, after his loss reached 1100%,

Is the loss in fact he was he could drop CangPing in losses of one hundred percent of the time, but he didn't, he wants to come back, he again after a rebound to cut it, but finally he did not wait to rebound, but wait for futures delivery day, he finally ended up 1100%,

Host: the secondary market, what kind of advice do you have?

Zheng Haosheng: my friend sent two days before the article called "the secondary market, the traders of the printing press," is for a mature good traders, always will be a cash machine, a secondary market for retail, that if you want to be a ever-victorious generals in the secondary market, then you have to be All in here, you will good good study, good good study you don't succeed, you need to have talent, you only have to meet many requirements, you can be a hero in the secondary market,

Moderator: in fact, some time ago we can also see some exchanges, they are also something about leveraged deals produce some of the problems, including human rights, how do you think of this kind of rights?

Zheng Haosheng: OK two days before the lever let me burst 200 COINS, it brings the loss actually is more than 200 COINS, because OK down, my quantitative COINS sold on the spot, but can't timely open empty, just can't do this risk hedge, even bigger loss actually,

But activist is useless, since you go to casinos to play, you lose money at a casino, you say well you this casino machine has a problem, make sense? Isn't it? You to come play in the casino, you want to make money, but it's a pity you, you lose money can only say that your problem, can't say the problem in the casino,

OK back and forth and single, I have friend than my cattle traders blowing up, but I broke in why? Because of risk control is doing better than me, so I said although lost a lot of money, when I confess compensate,

My digital currency assets evaporated by 70%, but these are much less, I don't care much about,

The host: so you see is a long term for it?

Zheng Haosheng: so to speak, is when I don't need the money, there is no need to buy and sell,

Now blocks to chain technology development up to now, all said to me to make application is bullshit,

Host: so you don't believe in application is?

Zheng Haosheng: don't believe in

Host: don't believe in the present stage of application,

Zheng Haosheng: yes, but I'm bullish on the application of five years later,

Host: after five years, so are you think it is too early to talk about application,

Zheng Haosheng: yes, you can chat with the founder to, you ask him link at the bottom of the technology, he might say what not understand, he just had to be the king of the last season, want to go to Dally points this season, but it's a pity that the redesign,

The host: now that is currently in a bear market, the common user for the bear market phase, you will have what kind of advice? From the point of view of a trader,

Zheng Haosheng: the lower the buy, do you think the currency fell more and more find good buy, always buy buy a bull market, you will have money,

The host: but when the bull didn't come through, there will be a psychological test,

Zheng Haosheng: in fact my in the mind is to know when it will come, but for ordinary investors, don't consider when the bull market will come, thanks to bear market gives you the opportunity to buy COINS,

Host: say to a K line, that for ordinary people how to understand, K line what a piece of advice?

Zheng Haosheng: currency circle just see figure, K line is rear, after the stock K line is also slightly, but the stock of K line is has great reference value, but the currency circle K line is a serious of rear, I suggest is if you really want to play through the line COINS, one is the depth, 2 it is to see the quantity, then K line is used to do a checking, when it is rolled back to see, don't go to K line to disturb his own ideas,

Why not give we provide market analysis?

The host: now in the market has a lot of the analysis (move)? Do you think any of those analysis,

Zheng Haosheng: of affirmation of,

Host: the trend of digital currency mad?

Zheng Haosheng: ok, mad men is five times is not allowed at a time, then the time is not accurate is easy to be misled people, so I will not easily to say such thing ah, I have, but I won't go to send, because everyone has a lapse in judgment, this name is destroyed as soon as you turnovers,

Host: just now you are talking about for the average person, you are advised him to hold the currency, the other is we see a fire, as the etheric, EOS, the small ant, quantum at the bottom of this,

Zheng Haosheng: besides the etheric fang, market value of the top 20 what money I have, and have a lot of,

Host: why do you want to get rid of the etheric lane?

Zheng Haosheng: record out may let me caused some misleading to others, but the etheric fang this thing doesn't look good just don't believe in this year, there is no reason, individual judgement,

The host: so what do you other besides COINS, etheric lane outside chain, do you have a favourite?

Zheng Haosheng: a small ant feeling can also, relatively speaking,
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