Home > Enterprise >  How to get the input errors from asp.net web app into my Index.cshtml view using fluent validation?
How to get the input errors from asp.net web app into my Index.cshtml view using fluent validation?


I am working on a web form that needs to do a validation for the input fields. I already made that possible with AngularJS(the app uses AngularJS too), but now I need to get those error input messages with ASP.NET more specifically using Fluent Validation. Now I get the results as JSON like Key: CompanyName Message: "Error message appear", but I need it in a format CompanyName: Error message appear. 2nd step is the message to be printed by the input field in HTML. Please if anyone can help me I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

My UserValidator File, containing the Fluent Validation

public class UserValidator : AbstractValidator<UserViewModel>
        public UserValidator()
            RuleFor(p => p.CompanyName)
                .NotNull().WithMessage("This field is required")
                .Length(2, 30).WithMessage("Please enter a valid name!");

            RuleFor(p => p.Name)
                .NotNull().WithMessage("This field is required")
                .Length(2, 30).WithMessage("Please enter a valid name!");

            RuleFor(p => p.Surname)
                .NotNull().WithMessage("This field is required")
                .Length(2, 30).WithMessage("Please enter a valid name!");

            RuleFor(p => p.Phone)
                .NotNull().WithMessage("This field is required")
                .Length(5, 20).WithMessage("No less than 5 numbers, and no more than 20");

            RuleFor(p => p.EMail)
                .EmailAddress().WithMessage("Please enter valid Email address")
                .NotNull().WithMessage("This field is required");

            RuleFor(p => p.Country)
           .NotNull().WithMessage("Please select a country");


Now this is the code for my View Model

namespace ViewModel
    [Validator(typeof (UserValidator))]

    public class UserViewModel
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Surname { get; set; }
        public string CompanyName { get; set; }
        public string Phone { get; set; }
        public string Country { get; set; }
        public string EMail { get; set; }
        public string Note { get; set; }

This is my AppService file containing all the logic:

 public bool Register(UserViewModel model)

            var validator = new UserValidator();
            ValidationResult results = validator.Validate(model);

            if (!results.IsValid)
                var errors = results.Errors
                    .Select(x => new ValidationRecord(x.PropertyName, x.ErrorMessage)).ToList();

                throw new CustomException(errors);


return true;

Here is my ValidationRecord and CustomValidationException.

    public class ValidationRecord
        public ValidationRecord()

        public ValidationRecord(string key, string message)
            Key = key;
            Message = message;

        public string Key { get; }
        public string Message { get; }
    public class CustomValidationException : Exception
        public CustomValidationException()
            : base()

        public CustomValidationException(string message, params object[] args)
            : base(string.Format(message ?? string.Empty, args))

    public class CustomException : Exception
        public List<ValidationRecord> Errors { get; set; }

        public CustomException()
            : base()

        public CustomException(List<ValidationRecord> errors)
            Errors = errors;

My Home Ctrl:

public JsonResult Register(UserViewModel model)
            return ActionWrapper.InvokeControlledAction<JsonResult>(x =>
                return Json(_countryService.Register(model));

And now my app.js file:

app.factory('contactFormService', ['$http', function ($http) {
    var dataFactory = {};

    dataFactory.register = function (model) {
        return $http.post("Home/Register/", {model: model});
    return dataFactory;


app.controller("MainCtrl", ['$scope', '$http', 'contactFormService', function ($scope, $http, contactFormService) {

    $scope.initModel = function () {
        $scope.model = {
            CompanyName: '',
            Name: '',
            Surname: '',
            Phone: '',
            Note: '',
            Country: '',
            EMail: '',
            Errors: []
        $scope.countries = [];
        $scope.showResult = false


    $scope.submitForm = function () {
            .then(function (response) {
                $scope.showResult = true;
            }, function (error) {
                    $scope.model.Errors = error.data

CodePudding user response:

I managed to answer my own question so this code is for everyone that are going to have this problem in the future. The problem mainly was the function I had it wrong. This is the function making assumption that you store your error Validation Messages into an array. Here is the code hope it will be useful for someone.

$scope.eMessages = function (data) {
        data.ValidationErrors = {};
        angular.forEach(data.Errors, function (key, value) {
            if (key.Key != null) {
                data.ValidationErrors[key.Key] = key.Message;
        return data;
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