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AngularJS's $htttp not passing form data into the POST request like jQuery's $ajax


I have a problem converting jQuery's $.ajax requests to Angularjs's $http requests (Angularjs v1.8.x).

I have a form with one text input and one image/file input an I am sending requests via form's submit button with ng-click="uploadImage($e)".

I think the problem lies in Angularjs not sending filled form data together with the request. My $.ajax requests are working fine, but for my $http requests, there are no Form Data inside browser's Developer Console - see the screenshots below. Responses to my $http requests are 200, but returned data is not correct because form data is never sent with the request.

For both $.ajax and $http I prepare form data with this function:

     * @var form is an HTML element
    function prepData(form) {
        var fdata = new FormData();
        for(var i = 0; i < form.length; i  ) {
            var NN = form[i].nodeName.toUpperCase();

            var name = form[i].name;

            if(typeof name != "undefined" && name != "") {
                if(NN == "INPUT") {
                    var NT =  form[i].type.toUpperCase();
                    if(NT == "FILE") {
                        for(var j = 0; j < form[i].files.length; j  ) {
                            fdata.append(name, form[i].files[j], form[i].files[j].name);
                    } else if(NT == "CHECKBOX" || NT == "RADIO") {
                        if(form[i].checked == true) {
                            fdata.append(name, form[i].value);
                    } else {
                        fdata.append(name, form[i].value);
                } else {
                    fdata.append(name, form[i].value);
        return fdata;

$.ajax request options:

var ajaxOptions = {
    type : "POST",
    async : true,
    url : getFullUrl(),
    data : prepData(form),
    dataType : self.dataType,
    beforeSend: function (request) {
        request.setRequestHeader("translate", User.settings.lang);
        request.setRequestHeader("userid", User.logged);

$http request options:

var httpOptions = {
    type : "POST",
    async : true,
    url : getFullUrl(),
    data : prepData(form),
    dataType : self.dataType,
    headers : {
        "translate": User.settings.lang,
        "userid": User.logged,
        "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
        "Content-Type": undefined,
        "transformRequest": []
    eventHandlers: { 
        "readystatechange": function(event) {
            this.xhr = event.currentTarget;

When I compare $.ajax and $http in browser's developer tools I can see that their response-headers are identical, but request-headers differs in these properties (see the screenshots below):

  • Accept
  • Content-Type

SCREENSHOT 1 - $.ajax() (jQuery): enter image description here

SCREENSHOT 2 - $http() (AngularJS v1.8.x): enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

The equivalent to $.ajax's type: ... is $http's method: ....

In general, an $http request should look like this:

var httpOptions = {
    method : "POST",
    // ...

$http(httpOptions).then(function(res) { 
    // ... 
}, function(res) {
    // ...

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