Home > Enterprise >  ggplot2 geom_point with aes fill only displays black
ggplot2 geom_point with aes fill only displays black


I'm having trouble displaying different fill colors with geom_point, only black shows up. I know I can use color to show different colors but it doesn't seem to work well with geom_segment. Here is an example what I'm getting, where the points are only showing up as black instead of the specified fill values in scale_fill_manual. Open to other ways of displaying the same plot and with different two legends, one for color and one for shape with different colors. Thank you!

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=factor(gear), mpg))  
  geom_segment(aes(x=factor(gear), xend=factor(gear), y = mpg, yend = mpg 1, color = factor(cyl)), size = 4)  
  geom_point(aes(fill = factor(carb)))  
  scale_color_manual(values = c('red', 'green', 'blue'))  
  scale_fill_manual(values = c('pink', 'light green', 'light blue', 'yellow', 'purple', 'orange'))  

enter image description here

Whether you use scale_color_manual or scale_fill_manual depends on the geom type. According to "Change Colors Manually":

A custom color palettes can be specified using the functions:

  • scale_fill_manual() for box plot, bar plot, violin plot, etc
  • scale_color_manual() for lines and points

But the different plotting symbols allow you to get around those specifications.

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