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How to find which points lay inside an area marked by outer points?


I need to interpolate a in 3D and I want to do this only for the area where I actually have observed x and y values. This can be done in the following steps:

  1. Find outer points of the 2d x and y area (see my question Plot

    In the first step I found out the outer points of the observed data (here observed data as big black points and the outer points in red). In a second step I generated a grid (small black points). Now I need to know which grid points lay inside the outer points area (which I here marked by connecting the red points with a red line). How to find those grid points?

    Code and data

    df <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol= 2))
    grid_df <- expand.grid(seq(min(df$X1), max(df$X1), length.out= 100),
                           seq(min(df$X2), max(df$X2), length.out= 100))
    df$outer <- FALSE
    df$outer[chull(df$X1, df$X2)] <- TRUE
      geom_point(data= df, mapping= aes(X1, X2))  
      geom_point(data= df[df$outer, ], mapping= aes(X1, X2), col= "red")  
      geom_point(data= grid_df, mapping= aes(Var1, Var2), col= "black", size= .5)

    Expected output is a third column in grid_df which is TRUE if the point lays inside the area. I look for a R base solution.

    CodePudding user response:

    I solved it with base R using axis rotation.

    Imagine that the area borders would be the x and y axis:

    Rotation idea

    Now it is easy to exclude grid points outside the area: We just need to exclude points that lay above the new x axis. We need to repead this for all the area borders and then we know what grid points to exclude.

    The code for this:

    # Data as in question (just variable names changed).
    df <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol= 2)), c("x", "y"))
    grid_df <- setNames(expand.grid(seq(min(df$x), max(df$x), length.out= 100),
                                seq(min(df$y), max(df$y), length.out= 100)), c("x", "y"))
    # Create dataframe with border points (rbind to connect the last with the
    # first points).
    border <- rbind.data.frame(df[chull(x= df), ],
                           df[chull(x= df), ][1, ])
    # See for every border whether grid points are outside.
    grid_outside <- sapply(2:nrow(border), function(row_i){
      # Extract one border line.
      border_i <- border[(row_i-1):row_i, ]
      # See what points must lay inside the area.
      point_inside <- data.frame(x= median(df$x),
                             y= median(df$y))
      # Find slope of the border line.
      slope <- diff(border_i$y)/diff(border_i$x)
      # Calculate angle from slope.
      angle <- atan(slope)*(180/pi)
      angle <- ifelse(angle < 0, angle   180, angle)
      # Rotating function.
      rotate <- function(data, angle){
        data.frame(x= data$x * cos(angle* pi / 180)   data$y * sin(angle* pi / 180),
                   y= -data$x * sin(angle* pi / 180)   data$y * cos(angle* pi / 180))
      # Rotate the data.  
      border_new_i <- rotate(data= border_i, angle= angle)
      grid_df_new <- rotate(data= grid_df, angle= angle)
      point_inside_new <- rotate(point_inside, angle= angle)
      # Depending on rotation results inner area is under or over
      # the new border point y. Define outside grid points accordingly.
      if(border_new_i$y[1] < point_inside_new$y){
        outside_border_i <- grid_df_new$y < border_new_i$y[1]
      } else{
        outside_border_i <- grid_df_new$y > border_new_i$y[1]
    # Is a row outside the area according to one of the border?
    grid_outside <- rowSums(grid_outside) >= 1
    # Show points inside area.
    grid_df_inside <- grid_df[!grid_outside, ]

    For the data in the question the resulting plot is:

      geom_point(data= df, mapping= aes(x, y))  
      geom_path(data= border, mapping= aes(x, y), col= "red")  
      geom_point(data= grid_df, mapping= aes(x, y), col= "black", size= .5)  
      geom_point(data= grid_df_inside, mapping= aes(x, y), col= "green", size= .5)


    CodePudding user response:

    I know you're looking for a base R solution, but this might be way harder than you think. Here's a sf solution:

    hull<- df[chull(df$X1, df$X2), 1:2] 
    mat <- list(as.matrix(rbind(hull, hull[1, ])))
    poly <- st_polygon(mat)
    df <- st_as_sf(df, coords = c("X1", "X2"))
    df$within <- st_intersects(df, poly, sparse = F)
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