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Iterate a string into formula


I want to iterate over a list of strings and append these to my formula one by one and adding the extra name after each iteration. For example, my code produces the following output:

col_names <- names(teengamb)[-5]
form <-0
for(i in 1:length(col_names)){
  form[i]=list(formula(paste('gamble ~', paste(col_names[i], collapse=' '))))
gamble ~ sex

gamble ~ status

gamble ~ income

gamble ~ verbal

Expected output:

gamble ~ sex

gamble ~ sex status

gamble ~ sex status income

gamble ~ sex status income verbal

CodePudding user response:

A possible solution (we need to replace col_names[i] by col_names[1:i]):

#> Loading required package: faraway
col_names <- names(teengamb)[-5]
form <-""
for(i in 1:length(col_names)){
  form[i]=list(formula(paste('gamble ~', paste(col_names[1:i], collapse=' '))))


#> [[1]]
#> gamble ~ sex
#> [[2]]
#> gamble ~ sex   status
#> [[3]]
#> gamble ~ sex   status   income
#> [[4]]
#> gamble ~ sex   status   income   verbal

CodePudding user response:

Though there already is an accepted answer, here is a way with reformulate.

data(teengamb, package = "faraway")

col_names <- names(teengamb)[-5]

form <- vector("list", length(col_names))
for(i in seq_along(col_names)){
  form[[i]] <- reformulate(col_names[1:i], response = "gamb")
#> [[1]]
#> gamb ~ sex
#> [[2]]
#> gamb ~ sex   status
#> [[3]]
#> gamb ~ sex   status   income
#> [[4]]
#> gamb ~ sex   status   income   verbal

Created on 2022-06-04 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

And here is another one, this time with purrr::map.

form_function <- function(i, response = "gamb") {
  reformulate(col_names[1:i], response = response)

col_names |>
  seq_along() |>
#> [[1]]
#> gamb ~ sex
#> <environment: 0x0000026801da3030>
#> [[2]]
#> gamb ~ sex   status
#> <environment: 0x0000026801d924f8>
#> [[3]]
#> gamb ~ sex   status   income
#> <environment: 0x0000026801c0c870>
#> [[4]]
#> gamb ~ sex   status   income   verbal
#> <environment: 0x0000026801c13e80>

Created on 2022-06-04 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Or a base R only way with the new pipe operator, introduced in R 4.2.0,

col_names |>
  seq_along() |>
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