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Vuetify - File upload convert to base64 format


I have file input for image

<v-file-input show-size v-model="img" @change="upload(img)" label="Image"></v-file-input>

I'm trying to read it and convert the file into base64 string

    upload(img) {
        console.log('img', img)

        var file = img.files
        var reader = new FileReader()
        reader.onloadend = function () {
            console.log('RESULT', reader.result)


I can't get my RESULT to run... please HELP!

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You're seeing this error because a FileReader's readAsDataURL takes a Blob as parameter.

You are currently passing it undefined (check by running console.log(file)), because img is a File (which is a Blob), and it doesn't have a files property.

Passing it the file should work:

     // ...
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