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Python - Find coefficients minimizing error in csv data


I've recently run into a problem. I have data looking like this :

Value 1 Value 2 Target
1345 4590 2.45
1278 3567 2.48
1378 4890 2.46
1589 4987 2.50
... ... ...

The data goes on for a few thousand lines.

I need to find two values (A & B), that minimize the error when the data is inputted like so :

Value 1 * A Value 2 * B = Target

I've looked into scipy.optimize.curve_fit, but I can't seem to understand how it would work, because the function changes at every iteration of the data (since Value 1 and Value 2 are not the same over every row).

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance !

CodePudding user response:

The function curve_fit takes 3 arguments :

  • a function f that takes an input argument, let's call it X and parameters params (as many as you want)
  • the input X_data you have from your dataset
  • the output Y_data you have from your dataset

The point of this function is the give you best params to input in f(X_data, params) to get Y_data.

Intuitively the form X in your function f is a simple numpy 1D array, but actually it can have the form you want. Here your input a tuple of two 1D arrays (or a 2D array if you want to implemente it this way).

Here's a code example :

import numpy as np 
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

X_data = (np.array([1345,1278,1378,1589]),
Y_data = np.array([2.45,2.48,2.46,2.50])

def my_func(X, A, B):
    x1, x2 = X
    return A*x1   B*x2

(A, B), _ = curve_fit(my_func, X_data, Y_data)

interpolated_results = my_func(X_data, A, B)
relative_error_in_percent = abs((Y_data - interpolated_results)/Y_data)*100

CodePudding user response:

Unfortunataly you have not provided any test data so I have come up with my own:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def f(V1,V2,A,B): #Target function
    return V1*A V2*B

# Generate Test-Data
def generateData(A,B): 
    V1=np.random.uniform(low=1000, high=1500, size=(100,))
    V2=np.random.uniform(low=3500, high=5000, size=(100,))
    Target=f(V1,V2,A,B)  np.random.normal(0,1,100)
    return V1,V2,Target
data=generateData(2,3) #Important: 
data={"Value 1":data[0], "Value 2":data[1], "Target":data[2]}
df=pd.DataFrame(data) #Similar structure as given in Table

df.head() looks like this:

    Value 1 Value 2 Target
0   1292.0525763109854  3662.162080896163   13570.276523473405
1   1155.0421489258965  4907.133274663096   17033.392287295104
2   1430.7172112685223  4844.422515098364   17395.412651006143
3   1396.0480757043242  4076.5845114488666  15022.720636830541
4   1346.2120476329646  3570.9567326419674  13406.565815022896

Your question is answered in the following:

## Plot Data to check whether linear function is useful 

ax1.scatter(df["Value 1"], df["Target"])
ax2.scatter(df["Value 2"], df["Target"])

def fmin(x, df): #Returns Error at given parameters
    def RMSE(y,y_target): #Definition for error term 
        return np.sqrt(np.mean((y-y_target)**2))
    V1,V2,y_target=df["Value 1"], df["Value 2"], df["Target"]
    y=f(V1,V2,A,B) #Calculate target value with given parameter set
    return RMSE(y,y_target)

res=minimize(fmin,x0=[1,1],args=df, options={"disp":True})

I prefere scipy.optimize.minimize() over curve_fit since you can define the error function yourself. The documentation can be found here. You need:

  • a function fun that returns the error for a given set of parameter x (here fmin with RMSE)
  • an initial guess x0 (here [1,1]), if your guess is totally off you will probably do not find a solution or (with more complex problems) just a local one
  • additional arguments args provided to the fun here the data df but also helpful for fixed parameters
  • options={"disp":True} is for printing additional information
  • your parameters can be found besides further information in the returned variable res

For this case the result is:

[1.9987209 3.0004212]

Similar to the given parameters when generating the data.

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