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Sharepoint Shared an error


When I was in use sharepoint Shared encountered the following error

"/" in the application server error,
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In a Web application SPWebApplication Name=SharePoint - 80 can't find in the Web site,,
Note: during the execution of the current Web request, abnormal untreated, please check the stack trace, to learn about the errors and mistakes in the code of the source of detailed information,

Exception details: System. IO. FileNotFoundException: in a Web application SPWebApplication Name=SharePoint - 80 can't find in the Web site,,

The error source:

Generated during execution of the current Web request handled without exception, you can use the exception stack trace below information to determine the reason and the location of the abnormal information,

The stack trace:

[FileNotFoundException: in a Web application SPWebApplication Name=SharePoint - 80 can't find in the Web site,,]
. Microsoft SharePoint. SPSite. LookupSiteInfo (SPFarm farm, Boolean contextSite, Boolean swapSchemeForPathBasedSites, Uri& RequestUri Boolean& LookupRequiredContext Guid& ApplicationId Guid& ContentDatabaseId Guid& SiteId, Guid& SiteSubscriptionId SPUrlZone& Zone, String& ServerRelativeUrl Boolean& HostHeaderIsSiteName Boolean& AppWebRequest String& AppHostHeaderRedirectDomain String& AppSiteDomainPrefix String& SubscriptionName String& AppSiteDomainId Uri& PrimaryUri) + 4529
Microsoft. SharePoint. SPSite.. Ctor (SPFarm farm, Uri requestUri, Boolean contextSite, Boolean swapSchemeForPathBasedSites, SPUserToken userToken) + 745
Microsoft. SharePoint. SPSite.. Ctor (SPFarm farm, Uri requestUri, Boolean contextSite, SPUserToken userToken) + 32
Microsoft. SharePoint. SPSite.. Ctor (String requestUrl, SPUserToken userToken) + 105
. Microsoft SharePoint. SPRecentlySharedItemsManager. Get_RecentlySharedItemsList (+ 104)
. Microsoft SharePoint. SPRecentlySharedItemsManager. The Initialize () + 424
. Microsoft SharePoint. SPSharedWithUserCacheHelper. AddToSharedWithUserCache (SPWeb web, SPListItem item, IEnumerable ` 1 sharingPrincipals, SPFieldUserValueCollection sharedWithUsersFieldValue, List ` newlyAddedLoginNames) 1 + 415
. Microsoft SharePoint. SPSharingPermissionsHelper. GrantPermissionsBulk (SPWeb web, SPSecurableObject target, the List 1 ` principals, SPUserCollection resolvedUsers, Boolean additivePermissions, Boolean propagateAcl) + 2441
. Microsoft SharePoint. Sharing. SPDocumentSharingManager. ChangePermissions (SPWeb web, SPSecurableObject secObject, List 1 userRoleAssignments `, Boolean validateExistingPermissions, SPUserCollection resolvedUsers, Boolean additivePermission, Boolean guestSignInRequired, List ` 1 updateResults, Boolean sendServerManagedNotification, String customMessage, Boolean includeAnonymousLinksInNotification, Boolean allowExternalSharing, Boolean propagateAcl) + 1268
. Microsoft SharePoint. Sharing. & lt;> C__DisplayClassa. & lt; UpdateDocumentSharingInfo> B__9 () + 679
. Microsoft SharePoint. SPMembersCanShareUtility. ExecuteCodeWithAdditionalPermissionsIfNeeded (Boolean MembersCanShareMode, Action doAction) + 94
. Microsoft SharePoint. Sharing. SPDocumentSharingManager. UpdateDocumentSharingInfo (SPWeb inWeb, SPList inList, SPListItem inItem, List 1 userRoleAssignments `, Boolean validateExistingPermissions, SPUserCollection resolvedUsers, Boolean additiveMode, Boolean sendServerManagedNotification, String customMessage, Boolean includeAnonymousLinksInNotification, Boolean propagateAcl) + 740
. Microsoft SharePoint. ApplicationPages. AclInv. UpdateDocumentSharingInfo (SPWeb inWeb, SPList inList, SPListItem inItem, List 1 userRoleAssignments `, Boolean validateExistingPermissions, SPUserCollection resolvedUsers, Boolean sendWelcomeEmail, Boolean includeAnonymousLink) + 156
. Microsoft SharePoint. ApplicationPages. & lt;> C__DisplayClass27. & lt; PrepareStandardRolesStrategyForDocumentSharing> B__24 () + 2021
. Microsoft SharePoint. SharingStrategy. Share (+ 91)
. Microsoft SharePoint. SPMembersCanShareUtility. ExecuteCodeWithAdditionalPermissionsIfNeeded (Boolean MembersCanShareMode, Action doAction) + 94
. Microsoft SharePoint. ApplicationPages. AclInv. HandleInternalUsersOrGroups (SharingStrategy strategy, the List 1 userInfoList `, List 1 userList `, List 1 groupList `, SPUserCollection resolvedUsers, Boolean sendWelcomeEmailChecked, Boolean includeAnonymousLink) + 881
. Microsoft SharePoint. ApplicationPages. AclInv. BtnOK_Click (Object sender, EventArgs e) + 966
System. Web. UI. HtmlControls. HtmlInputButton. OnServerClick (EventArgs e) + 143
System. Web. UI. Page. ProcessRequestMain (Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) + 1735

CodePudding user response:

The path of my site is but the error above said cannot find,
Why is this

CodePudding user response:

Search on Google search, found no similar mistake, very strange, I think may be your configuration issues,
If you want to use IP address to access, suggested that the standby access map to add the IP address, or direct access to domain name,
If can't solve the problem, it is recommended that the rerun the product configuration,

CodePudding user response:

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