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Filter matched rows and un-matched rows as Dataframes via Pandas Dataframe in Python


I have a dataframe for a csv, and a datafrom for a row from database.


   Id Location Name
  0        y    y
  1        n    y
  2        y    n


Location Name
    y    n

I want to filter the csv_df based on the rule_df, so that the result is two result sets, one where all columns match those in the rule_df, the other data set where any one column doesn't match any one column in the rule_df.

Expected Result

Rows matched

Both Location and Name match to those in rule_df

Id Location Name
2        y    n

Rows don't match

Id Location Name
0        y    y
1        n    y

The code below works partially, but cannot get the expected result:

csv_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Id':['0','1','2'],
                        'Location': ['y', 'n', 'y'], 
rule_df = pd.DataFrame({'Location': ['y'], 'Name':['n']})

print('csv_df', csv_df)
print('rule_df', rule_df)

for col in rule_df.columns:
    print(rule_df[col].name, rule_df[col].values[0])
    criterion = csv_df[rule_df[col].name].map(lambda x: x.startswith(rule_df[col].values[0]))    


Not Expected Result

rs:   Id Location Name
1  1        n    n
2  2        y    n


Sorry for the confusion and not specifying clearly.

Please see below the added requirements and changes.

1.Both cvs_df and rule_df contain more than two columns, e.g. 10-30 columns. The solution should be able to handle more than two columns in both xx_df.

2 Both cvs_df and rule_df contain data like below:

  csv_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Id':['0','1','2'],
                            'Location': ['', 'LD', ''], 
    rule_df = pd.DataFrame({'LocationRequired': ['y'], 'NameRequired':['n']})

Expected Result

Rows matched

Both Location and Name match to those in rule_df

Id Location Name
1        LD    

Rows don't match

Id Location Name
0            Tom

Update 2

Sorry again for the confusion and not specifying clearly.

Please see below the added requirements and changes.

1.The cvs_df contains more than two columns, e.g. 10-30 columns. This is the same as the Update above.

2 The rule_df contains more than one row. This is the new and only change from above.

2 Both rule_df and rule_df contain data like below:

  csv_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Id':['0','1','2'],
                            'Location': ['', 'LD', ''], 

rule_df = pd.DataFrame([['location','y'], 
                          columns= ['ColName','Required'])


  ColName Required
0  location        y
1      name        n

The expected result is the same as Update above.

CodePudding user response:

Error is your example csv_df dataframe in end is different from your csv_df dataframe mentioned in very starting.

# It is not aligned with your example in starting 
# Name - y, n, n
csv_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Id':['0','1','2'],
                        'Location': ['y', 'n', 'y'], 
It should be -> Name - y,y,n
csv_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Id':['0','1','2'],
                        'Location': ['y', 'n', 'y'], 

Below code gives required output using JOINS

csv_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Id':['0','1','2'],
                        'Location': ['y', 'n', 'y'], 

rule_df = pd.DataFrame({'Location': ['y'], 'Name':['n']})

pd.merge(csv_df, rule_df, left_on=['Location','Name'], right_on=['Location','Name'],how='inner' )

First Output :

enter image description here

Second Output:

pd.merge(csv_df, rule_df, left_on=['Location','Name'], right_on=['Location','Name'], how='left',indicator=True ).\
query("_merge == 'left_only'").drop('_merge', axis=1)

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Build a mask, then slice:

mask = csv_df[rule_df.columns].eq(rule_df.squeeze(), axis=1).all(1)
# [False, False, True]

df_match = csv_df[mask]

df_diff = csv_df[~mask]


# df_match
  Id Location Name
2  2        y    n

# df_diff
  Id Location Name
0  0        y    y
1  1        n    n


If the rules dataframe define the columns that should not contain null/empty data, define the mask with:

m = rule_df.squeeze().eq('y')
mask = csv_df.add_suffix('Required')[m[m].index].fillna('').ne('').all(1)

Then, as above:

df_match = csv_df[mask]

df_diff = csv_df[~mask]

CodePudding user response:

Edit (Different question --> different answer).

It looks like we have rule_df containing a single row and prescribing, for each column, whether that column must be non-empty ( != ''). First, we transform this into a bool Series where names correspond to what they are in the data df (i.e., removing the 'Required' suffix):

r = (rule_df.set_axis(rule_df.columns.str.replace(r'Required$', '', regex=True),
                      axis=1) == 'y').squeeze()
>>> r
Location     True
Name        False
Name: 0, dtype: bool

Then, we turn our attention to csv_df and flag where the values are empty:

>>> csv_df[r.index] != ''
   Location   Name
0     False   True
1      True  False
2     False  False

Now, the desired logic (if I understand correctly) is that we want to find rows that have none of the "required" columns empty:

ix = ((csv_df[r.index] != '') | ~r).all(axis=1)
>>> ix
0    False
1     True
2    False
dtype: bool

Or, more simply:

ix = csv_df[r[r].index].all(axis=1)


matching = csv_df.loc[ix]
no_match = csv_df.loc[~ix]

>>> matching
  Id Location Name
1  1       LD     

>>> no_match
  Id Location Name
0  0           Tom
2  2              
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