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Colouring one column of pandas dataframe: change in format


I would like to color a column in my dataframe (using the method proposed in a given answer, link below). So (taking only 1st row of my dataframe) I used to change the color the following code expression:

data1.head(1).style.set_properties(**{'background-color': 'red'}, subset=['column10'])

However it causes another problem: it changes the format of my dataframe (= addes more 0's after decimal point..). Is there any possibility I can keep the old format of my dataframe and still be able to color a column? Thanks in advance

Old output (first row):

2021-01-02  32072   0.0 1831    1831    1.0 1   0   1   0.0 1.0 

New output (first row):

2021-01-02  32072   0.000000    1831    1831    1.000000    1   0   1   0.000000    1.000000    1.000000    

enter image description here

Once you use style, it is no longer a pandas dataframe and is now a Styler object. So, normal commands that work on pandas dataframes no longer work on your newly styled dataframe (e.g. just doing head(10) no longer works). But, there are work arounds. If you want to look at only the first 10 rows of your Styler after you applied the style, you can export the style that was used and then reapply it to just look at the top 10 rows:

data = [{"col1":"2021-01-02", "col2":32072,   "col3":0.0, "col4":1831,    "col5":1831,    
           "col6":1.0, "col7":1,   "col8":0,   "col9":1,   "column10":0.0, "col11":1.0}] 
data1 = pd.DataFrame(data)
data1 = data1.append(data*20).reset_index(drop=True)
data1 = data1.style.format(precision=1, subset=list(data1.columns)).set_properties(**{'background-color': 'red'}, subset=['column10'])

Gives a large dataframe:

enter image description here

And then using this code afterwards will head (ie show) only 10 of the rows:

style = data1.export()
data1.data.head(10).style.use(style).format(precision=1, subset=list(data1.columns))

Now it is only showing the first 10 rows: enter image description here

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