I want to create a view with a TextField
whose default behavior is disabled (i.e. I don't enable the default keyboard on click).
I created my own keyboard because it allows me to do specific actions for my application.
The keyboard works well and populates the TextField
My problem
I can't manage the blinking cursor
in the TextField
. Indeed when I type on my keyboard the cursor
follows my text so no problem.
On the other hand, if I decide to click manually in the middle of my text, the cursor
moves but the new characters entered do not go to the location of the cursor
How to do this ?
What does it look like ?
My code
My TextField Widget:
autofocus: true,
controller: controllerInput,
placeholder: "Placeholder",
fontSize: 35,
keyboard: TextInputType.none,
enableInteractiveSelection: true,
showCursor: true,
cursorColor: Colors.red,
enableSuggestions: false,
autocorrect: false,
My button keyboard example:
Key? key,
required String text,
required TextEditingController controller,
}): super(
key: key,
text: text,
controller: controller,
onPressed: (){
// Here I add the number typed on the keyboard after
controller.text = text.toString();
// Here the cursor moves to the end of my controller.text
controller.selection = TextSelection.collapsed(offset: controller.text.length);
How to retrieve the cursor
position when I type somewhere by hand in my TextField
to be able to add my numbers from the cursor
In my KeyboardButtonAtom
, I do that and it works. Thanks to @Kaushik Chandru
String textBeforeCursor = controller.text.substring(0, cursorPosition);
String textAfterCursor = controller.text.substring(cursorPosition);
controller.text = textBeforeCursor text.toString() textAfterCursor;
controller.selection = TextSelection.collapsed(offset: cursorPosition 1);
cursorPosition = cursorPosition 1;
One last thing, how do I handle if I double tap and select multiple characters?
CodePudding user response:
To get the current position of the cursor you can try:
var cursorPos = _textEditController.selection.base.offset;
String textAfterCursor = _textEditController.text.substring(cursorPos);
String textBeforeCursor = _textEditController.text.substring(0, cursorPos);
_textEditController.text = textBeforeCursor "someText" textAfterCursor;
_textEditingController.selection = TextSelection.collapsed(offset: _textEditingController.text.length);