i have a quick question. I just wonder how i can execute command in shell script. Code should checking if python script is running, if not i want to run it again but in another terminal window. Shell code below.
while :
if pgrep -f "python instagram_bot.py" &>/dev/null; then
echo "it is already running"
sleep 1
python instagram_bot.py
I'm using macOS system
In else statement i just wondering it is possible to execute command that open new terminal and run python script.
Thanks for any help, Best, Kacper
CodePudding user response:
Assuming you are using Terminal on macOS, you can run:
osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to activate' \
-e 'tell application "System Events" to keystroke "n" using {command down}' \
-e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script "python instagram_bot.py" in front window'
You can start Terminal by using a "Spotlight search" by typing ⌘Space and typing "Terminal" and hitting Enter as soon as it guesses "Terminal.app".
Then, at the top-left of the screen, click Shell -> New Window and you will see that the shortcut for a new window is ⌘n. That's why the osascript
above does keystroke "n" using {command down}'
- it starts a new window.