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Copy files from a text list and preserve folder structure


Textfile contains full path of each file, all these need to be copied while preserving folder structure



C:\test6\fol der1 \sample77.iso

D:\test3\folder1\fo  $der2\sample5.mkv

New to powershall so this is the code i tried

$destination = "C:\copy_folder"

Get-Content $textFileWithPaths | % {
  $NewFolder = Split-Path (Join-Path $destination $_) -Parent | Split-Path -NoQualifier`

  If(!(Test-Path $NewFolder)){
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $NewFolder -Force
 Copy-Item $_ $NewFolder -Force


CodePudding user response:

The main issue I'm seeing is that you're not removing the Root of each path from your file before joining them with their new destination.

Basically, this part:

Split-Path (Join-Path $destination $_) -Parent | Split-Path -NoQualifier

Should be:

Split-Path $_ -NoQualifier | Join-Path $destination -ChildPath { $_ }

This should do the trick:

$destination = (New-Item C:\copy_folder -ItemType Directory -Force).FullName

Get-Content $textFileWithPaths | ForEach-Object {
    $path = Join-Path $destination $_.Substring([IO.Path]::GetPathRoot($_).Length)
    $null = [IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($path))
    Copy-Item -LiteralPath $_ -Destination $path
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