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I'm having trouble with a regular expression with a lookahead condition


This is a regex I will use in a PowerShell script to match if any of the below "Write-*" match unless it is in a comment (comment starts with # and does not need to be at the beginning of a line) Write-Host Write-Output Write-Verbose Write-Error Write-Debug Write-Warning

I suppose I should also take into consideration aliases, but I can cross that bridge once I understand how to properly structure this regex

Regex so far: (?i)^(?!.*#).*Write-(Host|Output|Verbose|Error|Debug|Warning).*$

The below match as expected.

if ($True){write-Warning}

The below does not match as expected.

      # Write-Host
# "command is commented out"    Write-Output

I expect the below to match but it does not. What should I change in the regex to make the below match successfully too?

Write-output #Comment after command
write-warning  #Write-Warning

CodePudding user response:

Instead of a negative lookahead assertion, you can use a character class to exclude #s from appearing before Write-:


Demo: enter image description here

The green highlight shows what is in capture group 1.

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