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How to limit number of button clicks per day in Javascript?


I want to limit the number of clicks on a button per day to 5 clicks using cookies. So when a user clicks 5 times, the button will no longer be clickable. I managed to do that, but the problem is when I refresh the page, the button is clickable again. So how to apply cookies to remember the user clicks?

My code:

<input type="text"  id="prompt" placeholder="Type anything">
<button id="the-button" type="submit">Send</button>
  integrity="sha256-/xUj 3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4="
<script type="text/javascript">                                         
    var limit = localStorage.getItem("limit_click");
    let count = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("count"));    
        alert('Your free limit counts has expired, please try again tomorrow or consider extending your plan.');
        localStorage.setItem("count",parseInt(count) 1);

I blocked the button when clicked 5 times. But, when page is refreshed, the button is clickable again.

What I want to do: Block the button after 5 clicks, and then even when the page is refreshed, the button is still blocked.

CodePudding user response:

Your code fails to check the localStorage before setting it to 1. Every page load you do localStorage.setItem("count",1);. This resets the count to 1, so every page load the localStorage is refreshed. This doesn't make sense, so do:

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