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Copy scrollTop value from textarea to div


I have a div and a textarea inside a parent div. I am trying to copy the scrollTop value of the textarea to the div so it moves in sync with the textarea scrolling.

The problem seems to be when i add text into the textarea and then press enter for a new line, the div scrollTop value doesn't seem to update but the textarea scrollTop value does.

If i press enter again both values update but it seems the div scrollTop value is one step behind the textarea

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

One simple workaround is to remove the setDivScrollTop from the handleScroll and add a new line \n after setting the red div's text. Note that this character acts like a caret and allows it to follow the other div.

handleScroll = (e) => {
    e.target.previousElementSibling.scrollTop = e.target.scrollTop;
    // setDivScrollTop(e.target.scrollTop);

handleInput = (e) => {
    console.log(divScrollTop, textareaScrollTop)
    setText(e.target.value   "\n"); // add "\n"

As seen here, Codesandbox

Also I've added border style to the text area element and spellCheck={false} to make it possible to see they're equal.

CodePudding user response:

I made some mod to your code, https://codesandbox.io/s/empty-voice-7w3ze

const useUpdate = () => {
  const [, dispatch] = useState(0);
  const ref = useRef(() => {
    dispatch((v) => v   1);

  return ref.current;

And when you need to repaint, just do

  handleScroll = (e) => {
    e.target.previousElementSibling.scrollTop = e.target.scrollTop;

I didn't answer your question exactly according to what you want, but i noticed, there's no role the setState plays, so i removed both of them and replaced with a useUpdate. Let me know what you think on this approach.

If i remove both setState you had earlier, i do see the issue you described.

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