assuming the density kernel to be equal to be:,
what monte carlo methods can I use to estimate the mean and variance of the destribuation?
CodePudding user response:
We can use numerical methods here. First of all, we create a function to represent your probability density function (though this is not yet scaled so that its integral is 1):
pdf <- function(x) x^2 * exp(-x^2/4)
plot(pdf, xlim = c(0, 10))
We can see that almost all of the area under the curve occurs where x < 10, so if we find the integral at, say, x = 100, we should have a very accurate scaling factor to generate a true pdf:
integrate(pdf, 0, 100)$value
#> [1] 3.544908
So now we can generate a genuine pdf:
pdf <- function(x) x^2 * exp(-x^2/4) / 3.544908
plot(pdf, xlim = c(0, 10))
Now that we have a pdf, we can create a cdf with numerical integration:
cdf <- function(x) sapply(x, \(i) integrate(pdf, 0, i)$value)
plot(cdf, xlim = c(0, 10))
The inverse of the cdf is what we need to be able to convert a sample taken from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 into a sample drawn from our new distribution. We can create an inverse function using uniroot
to find where the output of our cdf matches an arbitrary number between 0 and 1:
inverse_cdf <- function(p)
sapply(p, function(i) {
uniroot(function(a) {cdf(a) - i}, c(0, 100))$root
The inverse cdf looks like this:
plot(inverse_cdf, xlim = c(0, 0.99))
We are now ready to draw a sample from our distribution:
set.seed(1) # Makes this draw reproducible
x_sample <- inverse_cdf(runif(1000))
Now we can plot a histogram of our sample and ensure it matches the pdf:
hist(x_sample, freq = FALSE)
plot(function(x) pdf(x), add = TRUE, xlim = c(0, 6))
Now we are confident that we have a sample drawn from x, we can use the sample mean and standard deviation as estimates for the distribution's mean and standard deviation:
#> [1] 2.264438
#> [1] 0.9625839
We can increase the accuracy of these estimates by taking larger and larger samples in our call to inverse_cdf(runif(1000))
, by increasing the 1000 to a larger number.
Created on 2021-11-06 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)