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Return rows where one dataframe has value and other is missing


I have two data frames with the same date index and columns. I would like to find the cases where a column has a value in one data frame but has a NaN in the other.

From the two data frames below then I would like to be able to retrieve an output for a given column that would look like this:

enter image description here

Or for the second column like:

enter image description here

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

dt_range = pd.date_range("2018-01-31", periods=12, freq="M")

df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data={'col1': [np.nan,1,7,5,np.nan,6,3,np.nan,8,8,4,2],
                          'col2': [6,7,np.nan,5,np.nan,8,4,9,np.nan,8,np.nan,2],
                          'col3': [9,6,np.nan,7,5,8,np.nan,9,np.nan,8,6,6]},

df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data={'col1': [12,np.nan,70,58,np.nan,61,np.nan,70,85,85,np.nan,42],
                          'col2': [22,26,74,np.nan,60,21,np.nan,20,75,55,34,np.nan],
                          'col3': [93,np.nan,47,52,85,np.nan,29,np.nan,81,16,46,np.nan]},

CodePudding user response:

First, we use the merge method on the index values like so :

>>> df = pd.merge(df_1,
...               df_2,
...               how='left',
...               left_index=True,
...               right_index=True,
...               suffixes=['_df_1',
...                         '_df_2'])              
>>> df.head()
            col1_df_1   col2_df_1   col3_df_1   col1_df_2   col2_df_2   col3_df_2
2018-01-31  NaN         6.0         9.0         12.0        22.0        93.0
2018-02-28  1.0         7.0         6.0         NaN         26.0        NaN
2018-03-31  7.0         NaN         NaN         70.0        74.0        47.0
2018-04-30  5.0         5.0         7.0         58.0        NaN         52.0
2018-05-31  NaN         NaN         5.0         NaN         60.0        85.0

Then we write a function to select the two columns and the rows where one column has value and the other is missing to get the expected result :

>>> def compare_columns_with_nan(col_name):
...     return df[((df[f'{col_name}_df_1'].isna()) | (df[f'{col_name}_df_2'].isna())) & ~((df[f'{col_name}_df_1'].isna()) & (df[f'{col_name}_df_2'].isna()))][[f'{col_name}_df_1', f'{col_name}_df_2']]

Output for col1 :

>>> compare_columns_with_nan('col1')
            col1_df_1   col1_df_2
2018-01-31  NaN         12.0
2018-02-28  1.0         NaN
2018-07-31  3.0         NaN
2018-08-31  NaN         70.0
2018-11-30  4.0         NaN

Output for col2 :

>>> compare_columns_with_nan('col2')
            col2_df_1   col2_df_2
2018-03-31  NaN         74.0
2018-04-30  5.0         NaN
2018-05-31  NaN         60.0
2018-07-31  4.0         NaN
2018-09-30  NaN         75.0
2018-11-30  NaN         34.0
2018-12-31  2.0         NaN
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