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Dart: TypeError: item.get$balance is not a function


I have a class as below:

class Account {
    required this.balance,
  late final double balance;  
  Account.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json){
    balance= json['balance'];

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    final _data = <String, dynamic>{};
    _data['balance'] = balance;
    return _data;

I have an array of this Account class. To calculate total of the balances of accounts I did:

double total = accounts.fold(0, (sum, item) => sum   item.balance);

Running this code I get this error:

Uncaught TypeError: item.get$balance is not a function


This is a sample code to test on DartPad:

import 'dart:convert';

void main() {
  String jsonStr = '[{"balance":20.5},{"balance":20.5}]';
//   Not working
//   List<Account> accounts = List.from(json.decode(jsonStr));
//   double total = accounts.fold(0, (sum, item) => sum   item.balance);
//   print(total);

//   Works fine
//   Account account = Account(balance: 20.5);
//   List<Account> accounts2 = [account, account];
//   double total = accounts2.fold(0, (sum, item) => sum   item.balance);
//   print(total); 
//  Works fine
    List<Account> accounts3 = List<Account>.from(json.decode(jsonStr)
          .map((model) => Account.fromJson(model)));
    double total = accounts3.fold(0, (sum, item) => sum   item.balance);

class Account {
    required this.balance,
  late final double balance;  
  Account.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json){
    balance= json['balance'];

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    final _data = <String, dynamic>{};
    _data['balance'] = balance;
    return _data;

Now my question is what is the differences first and last approaches?

CodePudding user response:

Should try this, I think you got issue with the list type declaration

void main() {
  String jsonStr = '[{"balance":20.5},{"balance":20.5}]';
  AccountList accounts = AccountList.fromJsonMap(json.decode(jsonStr));
  double total = accounts.accounts!.fold(0, (sum, item) => sum   item.balance);
class Account {
    required this.balance,
  late final double balance;  
  Account.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json){
    balance= json['balance'];

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    final _data = <String, dynamic>{};
    _data['balance'] = balance;
    return _data;

updated answer

import 'dart:convert';

void main() {
  String jsonStr = '[{"balance":20.5},{"balance":20.5}]';
  AccountList accounts = AccountList.fromJsonMap(json.decode(jsonStr));

  double totalValue = 0;
  for (var item in accounts.accounts!) {
    totalValue  = item.balance;

class AccountList {
  List<Account>? accounts;
  AccountList.fromJsonMap(dynamic data)
      : accounts = List<Account>.from(data.map((it) => Account.fromJson(it)));

class Account {
    required this.balance,
  late final double balance;
  Account.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    balance = json['balance'];

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    final _data = <String, dynamic>{};
    _data['balance'] = balance;
    return _data;

CodePudding user response:

void main() {
  final accounts = [Account(balance: 5), Account(balance: 3)];
  double total = accounts.fold(0, (sum, item) => sum   item.balance);
  print(total); // Prints 8

It works. Are you sure accounts is the correct type? Did you properly load the JSON for all of its elements?


The issue is not with the fold. This will work:

void main() {
  String jsonStr = '[{"balance":20.5},{"balance":20.5}]';
  List accountsMap = List.from(jsonDecode(jsonStr));
  List<Account> accounts = accountsMap.map((item) => Account.fromJson(item)).toList();
  double total = accounts.fold(0, (sum, item) => sum   item.balance);
  print(total); // Prints 41

The issue is with decoding into a List of Map, which is not the same of decoding into a List of Account.

You can use the code above, or, even better, follow the answer of Jahidul Islam.

CodePudding user response:

Try adding a getter method inside Account:

double get balance => balance;

CodePudding user response:

Your fold function looks okay. Change your API function

      Future<List<Account?>?> getAllAccounts() async {
        try {
          final response = await ...;
          List<Account?>? allAccounts = [];
          final results = List<Map<String, dynamic>>.from(jsonDecode(response.data));
          allAccounts = results.map((data) => Account.fromJson(data)).toList();
          return allAccounts;
        } catch (error) {
          print('handle API errors');
          return [];

// get Balance from anywhere

double getTotalBalance() async {
    List<Account?>? accounts = await getAllAccounts();
    return (accounts??[]).fold(0, (sum, item) => sum   (item?.balance??0));
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