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Delete worksheet from excel workbook using powershell


Below is the code I have which is creating graph and saving the graph as image

$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application

$outputXLSX = "C:\report_10_02.xlsx"
$data = Import-Excel -Path $outputXLSX

$cd = New-ExcelChartDefinition -XRange Name -YRange Count -ChartType ColumnStacked3D -Height 300 -Title "Latency Count" -Width 1000 -SeriesHeader Count
$data | Export-Excel $outputXLSX -ExcelChartDefinition $cd -AutoNameRange -WorksheetName "Sheet2" 
$macros_wb = $excel.Workbooks.open($outputXLSX)

$chart_worksheets = @("Sheet2")

$OutputType = "JPG"

foreach ($item in $chart_worksheets)
        $macros_ws = $macros_wb.WorkSheets.item($item)
        $excelchart = $macros_ws.ChartObjects(1)
        $ImagePath = "C:\Imagee.jpg"
        if ($excelchart.Chart.Export($ImagePath, $OutputType)) #Export returns true/false for success/failure
            {Write-Output "Exported $ImagePath"}
            {Write-Output "Failure Exporting $ImagePath"}

$WorkSheet = $macros_wb.sheets.item($chart_worksheets)
#Deleting the worksheet
#Saving the worksheet

The excel workbook is having 2 worksheet in which I want to delete Sheet2. I tried Delete() but it is not deleting the sheet.

Please let me know what is wrong here

CodePudding user response:

Ok, so you have an Excel file containing a chart you want to export to a JPG file and afterwards delete the worksheet containing that chart.

Using COM objects you can do this like so:

$outputXLSX      = "C:\report_10_02.xlsx"
$chart_worksheet = "Sheet2"
$ImagePath       = "C:\Imagee.jpg"
$OutputType      = "JPG"

$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$macros_wb = $excel.Workbooks.open($outputXLSX)
$macros_ws = $macros_wb.WorkSheets.item($chart_worksheet)
$excelchart = $macros_ws.ChartObjects(1)
if ($excelchart.Chart.Export($ImagePath, $OutputType)) {Write-Host "Exported $ImagePath"}
else {Write-Warning "Failure Exporting $ImagePath"}

#Saving the worksheet

# important, remove the used COM objects from memory
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($macros_ws)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($macros_wb)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($excel)

CodePudding user response:

I'm not sure why are you using ComObject if you already have the ImportExcel Module installed, it doesn't require manipulation with ComObject. Here is how you can remove a Worksheet from an Excel file:

$path = 'path/to/excelfile.xlsx'
$workSheetToRemove = 'worksheetName'
Remove-Worksheet -WorksheetName $workSheetToRemove -FullName $path

If you're not sure what's the name of the Worksheet you want to remove, you use:

Get-ExcelFileSummary $path
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