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VB.net powershell output contains list and need to return string to DGV


I'm new around here so take it easy on me... :)

I have a powershell output that looks like so:

enter image description here

UserPrincipalName                 DisplayName  Licenses                         
-----------------                 -----------  --------                         
[email protected] Brandon Duke {bdtestenv:O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM}
[email protected]   Test2 2      {bdtestenv:O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM}

And converted the output to a datasource with the following code:

 Dim runSpace As Runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace()
    Dim powerShellCode As String = "Get-MsolUser -All | select UserPrincipalName, DisplayName, Licenses"               'reader.ReadToEnd()
    Dim shell = PowerShell.Create()
    Dim results As Collection(Of PSObject) = shell.Invoke()
    Dim tempTable As DataTable = New DataTable()

    For Each psObject As PSObject In results
        Dim row As DataRow = tempTable.NewRow()
        row("UserPrincipalName") = psObject.Properties("UserPrincipalName").Value.ToString()
        row("DisplayName") = psObject.Properties("DisplayName").Value.ToString()
        row("Licenses") = psObject.Properties("Licenses").Value.ToString()

    Licenses.Guna2DataGridView1.DataSource = tempTable
    '  GridView1.DataSource = tempTable
    ' GridView1.DataBind()

Which works just fine but when I add it to the DataTable the licenses get returned as the following:


enter image description here

I'm needing to convert the list to a string so I can display it in the DataGridView..

Sorry please let me know if you need more information

Thanks ALL!

CodePudding user response:

One way to solve this problem is to modify your PowerShell command so as to ensure that all property values e returned as scalars (non-collections), which you can do with a calculated property:

Dim powerShellCode As String = "Get-MsolUser -All | select UserPrincipalName, DisplayName, @{ Name='Licenses'; Expression={ $_.Licenses.AccountSkuId -join ' ' } }" 

$_.Licenses.AccountSkuId extracts the .AccountSkuId property values from all license objects contained in the collection returned by .Licenses and joins them with a space as the separator to form a single list.

(Note that what I tried first - $_.Licenses -join ' ' which is equivalent to "$($_.Licenses)" - is not enough, because the collection elements as a whole do not stringify meaningfully - they stringify by their type name only, namely Microsoft.Online.Administration.UserLicense)

To provide a simple example:

# A custom class that simulates the license class
class UserLicense {
  [string] $AccountSkuId
  UserLicense([string] $name) { $this.AccountSkuId = $name }

# Simulate an array of users returned from Get-MsolUser
$users = @([pscustomobject] @{
  UserPrincipalName = '[email protected]'
  DisplayName = 'Jane Doe'
  Licenses = [Collections.Generic.List[UserLicense]] ([UserLicense]::new('LicenseA'), [UserLicense]::new('LicenseB')) 

# Apply the Select-Object call with the calculated user, and
# convert it to CSV to demonstrate how the properties stringify.
$users | 
  Select-Object UserPrincipalName, DisplayName, @{ Name='Licenses'; Expression={ $_.Licenses.AccountSkuId -join ' ' } } |

Output, showing that the calculated Licenses property stringifies meaningfully:

"[email protected]","Jane Doe","LicenseA LicenseB"

If you had just used Select-Object UserPrincipalName, DisplayName, Licenses, the original problem would surface:

"[email protected]","Jane Doe","System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UserLicense]"

Also note that using Select-Object's -ExpandProperty parameter is not a general solution, as it results in multiple output objects per user object if the .Licenses collection happens to contain more than one license - unless this kind of denormalization is what you want:

# !! -ExpandProperty creates a separate output object for each license.
$users | 
  Select-Object UserPrincipalName, DisplayName -ExpandProperty Licenses | 

Output - two objects:

"[email protected]","Jane Doe","LicenseA"
"[email protected]","Jane Doe","LicenseB"

Also note how the column headers changed: the reason is that, due to -ExpandProperty, each output object is now a [UserLicense] instance, decorated with the other two requested properties, UserPrincipalName and DisplayName. The [UserLicense] itself is represented by its one public property, AccountSkuId.

CodePudding user response:

I was able to fix my issue using -ExpandProperty

Thanks everyone!

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