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BigQuery: Rolling daily count visitor's summary of payment


I have this data:

date visitor_id total_payment
2022-01-01 A 20
2022-01-01 B 15
2022-01-01 C 20
2022-01-02 B 10
2022-01-02 D 25

I'd like to have daily count of visitor with total_payment equal or greater than 20$, with that being said, result I'm hoping is:

date count_visitor
2022-01-01 2
2022-01-02 4

2022-01-01 is 2 because only A and C have payment more than 20$, however on 2022-01-02 additional 2 more because B is 35$ (sum) and D is 25$.

Is there any possible query for this? I hope I'm clear on my description. Thank you in advance.

CodePudding user response:

You can use this query as solution. First, I calculate cumulative payments of each user. Then, I find the minimum date for each user that exceeds 20$ cumulative payment. At the last step, I count number of users for each minimum date, and also accumulate that number. In the output you don't have to have first_day_users column, but I kept it to make it easier to understand the code.

So the output looks like that: enter image description here

data AS(
  SELECT "2022-01-01" AS date, "A" AS visitor_id, 20 AS total_payment UNION ALL
  SELECT "2022-01-01" AS date, "B" AS visitor_id, 15 AS total_payment UNION ALL
  SELECT "2022-01-01" AS date, "C" AS visitor_id, 20 AS total_payment UNION ALL
  SELECT "2022-01-02" AS date, "B" AS visitor_id, 10 AS total_payment UNION ALL
  SELECT "2022-01-02" AS date, "D" AS visitor_id, 25 AS total_payment
user_cumulatives as 
        SUM(total_payment) OVER (PARTITION BY visitor_id ORDER BY date) as cumulative_payment
    FROM data
user_first_dates as 
    select visitor_id, min(date) as date
    from user_cumulatives
    where cumulative_payment >= 20
    group by 1
select date, count(*) as first_day_users, sum(count(*)) over (order by date) as count_visitor
from user_first_dates
group by 1
order by date

CodePudding user response:

Welcome @Indri

The query below will give you a running sum of the rows per day where the total_amount of greater than of equal to 20, I believe this should give you the answer you are looking for:

WITH data AS(
  SELECT "2022-01-01" AS date, "A" AS visitor_id, 20 AS total_payment
  SELECT "2022-01-01" AS date, "B" AS visitor_id, 15 AS total_payment
  SELECT "2022-01-01" AS date, "C" AS visitor_id, 20 AS total_payment
  SELECT "2022-01-02" AS date, "A" AS visitor_id, 10 AS total_payment
  SELECT "2022-01-02" AS date, "D" AS visitor_id, 25 AS total_payment

FROM data
WHERE total_payment >= 20
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