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Androidstudio3.5 import support V7 has been an error


Apply the plugin: '. Com. Android application '

Android {
CompileSdkVersion 28
BuildToolsVersion "29.0.2
"DefaultConfig {
ApplicationId "com. Example. Myapplication2"
MinSdkVersion 15
TargetSdkVersion 28
VersionCode 1
VersionName "1.0"
TestInstrumentationRunner "androidx test. The runner. AndroidJUnitRunner"
BuildTypes {
Release {
MinifyEnabled false
ProguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile (' proguard - android - optimize. TXT '), 'proguard - rules. Pro'

Dependencies {
Implementation fileTree (include: [' *. Jar '], dir: 'libs')
Implementation 'androidx. Appcompat: appcompat: 1.1.0'
Implementation 'androidx. Constraintlayout: constraintlayout: 1.1.3'
TestImplementation 'junit: junit: 4.12'
AndroidTestImplementation 'androidx. Test: runner: 1.2.0'
AndroidTestImplementation 'androidx. Test. Espresso: espresso - core: 3.2.0'
//implementation files (' libs/android - support - v7 - appcompat. Jar ')
Implementation 'com. Android. Support: appcompat - v7:28.0.0'
Implementation 'com. Android. Support: appcompat - v7:28.0.0 - rc02'

CodePudding user response:

Androidx and com. Android cannot mix
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