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Android based problem, is very urgent, please, help me


1. The following options, do not belong to the Android is (C) the way of data storage, A, B, SQLite database ContentProviderC, MapD, file storage. 2. The following option, belong to set layout high properties is (), A, android: idB, android: layout_weightC, android: layout_heightD, android: padding3. The following option, belong to set properties TextView Chinese book content is (), A, android: textValueB, android: textC, android: textColorD, android: textSize4. The following options, belong to define A string resource use label is (), A, & lt; The string/& gt; B, & lt; Strings/& gt; C., & lt; Include/& gt; D, demin5. The following option, to set up the frame layout of the foreground image attributes in A container is (), A, android: foregroundB, android: backgroundC, android: foregroundGravityD, none of the above 6. When creating the Activity, the Activity Name in the input box input is (), A, B layout Name, package Name C, the Activity of D, more than 7. The following option, belong to the current Activity is covered by other Activity is (), the method called when A, onCreate (), B onResume () C, onPause () D, onDestroy () 8. () the object of the class to read internal storage data in A file, A, FileInputStreamB, InputStreamC, FileOutputStreamD, OutputStream9. Of the following options, belongs to the set of linear layout of the internal control the order of the attributes is (), A, android: orientationB, android: layout_weightC, android: layout_centerVerticalD, android: layout_centerHorizontal10. Option, of the following does not belong to the Android version of the code is (), A, SandwichB, KitKatC, DonutD, Lollipop multiple-choice score (each 5 points, A total of 25) 11. The images of the following options, belongs to the Android resource format is (), A,, pngB, jpgC,. GifD,. 9. Png12. The following option, belongs to the WebView control methods in the (), A, loadUrl () B, capturePicture () C, goBack () D, stopLoading (13). The following option, shows the time belongs to Toast message parameter is (), A, Toast. LENGTH_SHORTB, Toast. LENGTH_LONGC, LENGTH_SHORTD, LENGTH_LONG14. The following description about the string resources, the correct is (), A, use & lt; Demin/& gt; Tag defines a string resource B, a string resource defined in demins. C in the XML file, can call in the layout file string resources D, 15 can call a string in the Java code resources. Described below to create A program, the correct is () A, you need to specify the project name B, you need to specify the procedures of the store path C, you need to specify the minimum SDK version D program, Android Studio provides different types of Activity scores determine the topic (to play "tick", wrong for "x"; Each 2 points, a total of 20 points) 16. A Button control can display text information, also can show image resources, (17). Define the color value, can use capital letters and lowercase letters are available, and (18). Android: textSize property can be set in the TextView text display size, (19). Toast show message must manually cancel, otherwise, 20 (). In the log filter, filter can use the TAG information, (21). You can edit the code in the Android Studio tools, can not see the layout effect, (22). SharedPreferences using XML format data stored in the device, (23). JSON is based on a subset of the JavaScript, completely independent of the programming language text format is used to store and represent data, (24). Common dialog content area is by the AlertDialog. The Builder object call setMessage () method, set () 25. Intent can be used to Bundle object is used to transfer data between the Activity and () score fills up the topic (each 2 points, a total of 20 points). The layout resource that is stored in the res directory [] folder, 27. Theme resource defined in the res/values [] in the directory file, 28. [] (pieces) is a kind of embedded UI fragments in the Activity, 29. Dalvik is designed for the Android platform Google company [], 30. [] class used to resolve the JSON data array structure, 31. [] controls specifically for browsing the web, 32. [] is the command line tools in Android, is used to get the program from the start to close the log information, 33. Obtained by [] to the file input stream object, 34. RelativeLayout specify the location of the child controls by means of [], 35. [] class used to resolve the JSON data object structure, scoring short-answer questions (each 15 points, a total of 15 points) 36. How to read the file data in internal storage,

CodePudding user response:

1. The following options, do not belong to the Android is (C) the way of data storage, A, B, SQLite database ContentProviderC, MapD, file storage
2. The following option, belong to set layout high properties is (), A, android: idB, android: layout_weightC, android: layout_heightD, android: padding
3. The following option, belong to set properties TextView Chinese book content is (), A, android: textValueB, android: textC, android: textColorD, android: textSize
4. The following options, belong to define A string resource use label is (), A, & lt; The string/& gt; B, & lt; Strings/& gt; C., & lt; Include/& gt; D, demin
5. The following option, to set up the frame layout of the foreground image attributes in A container is (), A, android: foregroundB, android: backgroundC, android: foregroundGravityD, none of the above
6. When creating the Activity, the Activity Name in the input box input is (), A, B layout Name, package Name C, the Activity of D, above all is the
7. The following option, belong to the current Activity is covered by other Activity is (), the method called when A, onCreate (), B onResume () C, onPause () D, onDestroy ()
8. () the object of the class to read internal storage data in A file, A, FileInputStreamB, InputStreamC, FileOutputStreamD, OutputStream
9. The following options, belongs to the set of linear layout of the internal control the order of the attributes is (), A, android: orientationB, android: layout_weightC, android: layout_centerVerticalD, android: layout_centerHorizontal
10. Option, of the following does not belong to the Android version of the code is (), A, SandwichB, KitKatC DonutD, Lollipop, scoring multiple-choice questions (each 5 points, A total of 25)
11. The images of the following options, belongs to the Android resource format is (), A,, pngB, jpgC,. GifD,. 9. PNG
12. The following option, belongs to the WebView control methods in the (), A, loadUrl () B, capturePicture () C, goBack () D, stopLoading ()
13. The following option, shows the time belongs to Toast message parameter is (), A, Toast. LENGTH_SHORTB, Toast. LENGTH_LONGC, LENGTH_SHORTD, LENGTH_LONG
14. The following description about the string resources, the correct is (), A, use & lt; Demin/& gt; Tag defines a string resource B, a string resource defined in demins. C in the XML file, can call in the layout file string resources D, 15 can call a string in the Java code resources. Described below to create A program, the correct is () A, you need to specify the project name B, you need to specify the procedures of the store path C, you need to specify the minimum SDK version D program, Android Studio provides different types of Activity scores determine the topic (to play "tick", wrong for "x"; Each 2 points, a total of 20 points)
16. A Button control can display text information, also can show image resources, ()
17. Define the color value, can use capital letters and lowercase letters are available, and ()
18. Android: textSize property can be set in the TextView text display, the size of the ()
19. Toast show message must manually cancel, otherwise, ()
20. In log filter, you can use the TAG information filtering, ()
21. The Android can edit the code in the Studio tools, can not see the layout effect, ()
22. SharedPreferences using XML format data stored in the device, ()
23. JSON is based on a subset of the JavaScript, completely independent of the programming language text format is used to store and represent data, ()
24. Common dialog content area is by the AlertDialog. The Builder object call setMessage () method, set ()

25. Intent can be used to Bundle object is used to transfer data between the Activity and () score fills up the topic (each 2 points, a total of 20)

26. The layout resource that is stored in the res directory [] folder, 27. Theme resource defined in the res/values [] files in the directory,
28. [] (pieces) is a kind of embedded UI fragments in the Activity,
29. Dalvik is the company design [] for the Android platform,
30. [] class used to resolve the JSON data array structure,
31. [] controls specifically for browsing the web,
32. [] is the command line tools in Android, is used to get the program from the start to close the log information,
33. Obtained by [] to the file input stream object,
34. RelativeLayout specify the location of the child controls by means of [],
35. [] class used to resolve the JSON data object structure, scoring short-answer questions (each 15 points, a total of 15 points)
36. How to read the file data in internal storage,

CodePudding user response:

Entry level problem, has been through the interview time,
Very simple don't answer, beginners can see,
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