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Confused on How to Implement Main Method that Runs Program in Order:


I am currently working on an inventory system that I have mocked up so far.

This is the following code:

import csv
class start_store:

    def __init__(self):
        self.name = self.ask()
        self.options = self.ask_options()
    def ask(self):
        while 1:
            name = input("What is your name?\n")
            if name == "":
                print("Ha! You have to enter a name!")
                print("Welcome to the Shepherdstown Bake Shop "   name)
                return name
    def ask_options(self):
        while 1:
            option = input('''What would you like to do? \n1. Add a Item: \n2. Delete a Item:\n3. Edit an Item: \n4. View Inventory \n5. End Program\n''')
            if option == "4":
                print("Here is the following inventory we have "   self.name)
                items = CsvReader()
                print("You have to enter a valid option "   self.name)

and the second class:

class CsvReader:
    def __init__(self): 
        self.result = []

    def make_dict_items(self):
        with open("Items2.csv") as fp:
            reader = csv.reader(fp)
            labels = next(reader, None)
            result = []
            for row in reader:
                row[0] = int(row[0])
                row[1] = float(row[1])
                row[2] = int(row[2])
                pairs = zip(labels, row)
    def show_available(self):
        for item in self.result:
obj = start_store() # create the instance
while 1:
    obj.ask_options() # use the instance

From what I understand, I am able to run my code in IDLE based upon the last three lines in my second class, which initialize, and run. The program runs from : asking the user their name -> asking the user what they would like to do -> performing said task-> looping back to ask what to do.

I am confused on how I would implement a main method that runs my current program in that order? I understand how to make a main method, it being if __name__ == '__main__': , but what would I put under it? Would I have it run ask() like in the bottom of my lines? How do I add a main method that runs my program in this order in the sense that it is able to run now in IDLE without a main method?

I apologize if I am overlooking something, I am fairly new to Python and OOP.

CodePudding user response:

Create 3 files: one file called csv_reader.py, one file called start_store.py, and a third called main.py. Place your CsvReader and start_store classes in the appropriate files, and in main.py write this:

from start_store import start_store
from csv_reader import CsvReader

if __name__ == "__main__" :
    obj = start_store() # create the instance
    while 1:
        obj.ask_options() # use the instance

In your csv_reader.py file you should remove the code which creates an obj and the while loop - this should only be in the main.py file! This new file will include both of your classes (start_store and CsvReader) and run your main loop. You can run this with python main.py. It is worth noting that the file does not need to be called main.py (it can be called anything), and both classes could be included in the same file as the __main__ function, but this is just a simple example of how to separate your classes and then run them in a main loop.

CodePudding user response:

With python whether you should have multiple classes in a file is a matter of opinion rather than a rule. If the classes are small then why not. So all you need to do is put your if name == 'main': ahead of obj = start_store() ...

If the script is run from the command line to be able to cancel with Ctrl C I like to use ...

def main()
    obj = start_store() etc ...
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    try:  # handle Ctrl C
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
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