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Protoc.py compiles files differently depending on where it is called from


If protoc.py is called from powershell, the compiled file is missing about half of the code as opposed to when protoc.py is called from natively from python. I have a powershell script and a python script. My aim is to remove the python script so I only need the powershell script.

My python script is here:


import os
from grpc_tools.protoc import main



and my powershell script is here:


$tmp = (Get-Location).tostring()
Set-Location -Path ('<MyProtoDirectory>')

try {
  python '...\protoc.py' `
    --proto_path='.' `
    --python_out='<MyOutputDirectory>' `
    --grpc_python_out="<MyOutputDirectory>" `

finally {
  Set-Location -Path $tmp

I am calling main in python, and the script in powershell, so I modified protoc.py to be:


if __name__ == '__main__':
    #proto_include = pkg_resources.resource_filename('grpc_tools', '_proto')
    #sys.exit(main(sys.argv   ['-I{}'.format(proto_include)]))
    a = main(sys.argv[1:])

where I have commented out the altered lines. When I run the python script, I get the result:

outcome_pb.py        67kb
outcome_pb_grpc.py   77kb

When I run the powershell script, I get the result:

outcome_pb.py        28kb
outcome_pb_grpc.py   77kb

The powershell output outcome_pb.py is incorrect and cannot be run, whereas the python outcome is good. It is worth noting outcome_pb_grpc is identical when run using either the powershell script or the python script. Futhermore, I can write a new powershell script that simply calls the python script:

python .\PythonScript.py

and this leads to the same issue. I need both outcome_pb.py and outcome_pb_grpc.py for my application. Why is this happening?

CodePudding user response:

Like DazWilkin said in a comment, it is likely that there is a difference in either the grpcio_tools library or the Python version you end up using.

To test, you can use some prints:

 import sys
 import grpc_tools.protoc
 print("Python version: %s" % sys.version)
 print("grpcio_tools path: %s" % grpc_tools.protoc.__file__)

and compare the output between the working and not-working case.

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