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How to write codec for HttpResponse(Akka) using circe or jackson or any other library in scala


Hi I am trying to store Request Response of a client to a file.I was easily able to do it for HttpRequest

But when I am trying to write Encoder decoder for HttpResponse I am not able to understand how to write it for entity of HttpResponse in scala.

Heres the code for HTTP Request encoder decoder

val demo=HttpRequest(
  method= HttpMethods.GET,


I was able to write encoder decoder for HttpRequest easily.

implicit val HttpRequestEncoder: Encoder[HttpRequest] = new Encoder[HttpRequest] {
  final def apply(x: HttpRequest): Json = Json.obj(
    ("method", Json.fromString(x.method.value)),
    ("Uri", Json.fromString(x.uri.toString())) ,
    ("headers", x.headers.map(y=>y.name->y.value).toMap.asJson),
    ("entity", Json.fromString(JsonUtil.toJson(x.entity)))

implicit val HttpRequestDecoder: Decoder[HttpRequest] = new Decoder[HttpRequest] {
  final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[HttpRequest] =
    for {
      method <- c.downField("method").as[String]
      url <- c.downField("Uri").as[String]
      header <- c.downField("headers").as[Map[String,String]]
      entity <- c.downField("entity").as[String]
    } yield {
          uri = url,
        entity= HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`,JsonUtil.toJson(entity))

I am trying to write for encoder decoder for HttpResponse .Doing something like

implicit val HttpResponseEncoder: Encoder[HttpResponse] = new Encoder[HttpResponse] {
  final def apply(x: HttpResponse): Json = {
      ("response", Json.fromString(JsonUtil.toJson(x.entity))),
      ("status", Json.fromInt(x.status.intValue()))

implicit val HttpResponseDecoder: Decoder[HttpResponse] = new Decoder[HttpResponse] {
  final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[HttpResponse] =
    for {
      entity <- c.downField("response").as[String]
      status <- c.downField("status").as[Int]
    } yield {
        status = StatusCode.int2StatusCode(status),
        entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, JsonUtil.toJson(entity))

Where entity is something like this in debugger enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

The entity filed of the HttpResponse is a stream so you have to work with some effects - Future or Stream, that Encoder can't handle.

If your entity is a json then I think the easiest way is using entity.toStrict(timeout). It returns Future[HttpEntity.Strict] which has a data method with a plain String.

So your logic might look like this:

val r: Future[EntityResponse] = 
   .map { e =>
       ("response", Json.fromString(JsonUtil.toJson(e.data))),
       ("status", Json.fromInt(response.status.intValue()))

There https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/implications-of-streaming-http-entity.html you can find details about the http entity and how to work with it.

CodePudding user response:

For people looking for the answer: Here how I did it:

      val testconfig: Config                 = ConfigFactory.load()
      implicit val actorSystem2: ActorSystem = ActorSystem.create("loyalty-execution-api", testconfig)
      implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = actorSystem2.dispatcher
      implicit val HttpResponseEncoder: Encoder[HttpResponse] = new Encoder[HttpResponse] {
        import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling
        final def apply(x: HttpResponse): Json = {
          val result = Unmarshal(x.entity).to[String].map { z =>
              ("response", Json.fromString(z)),
              ("status", Json.fromInt(x.status.intValue()))
          val r3     = Await.result(result, 20.seconds)
      implicit val HttpResponseDecoder: Decoder[HttpResponse] = new Decoder[HttpResponse] {
        final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[HttpResponse] =
          for {
            entity <- c.downField("response").as[String]
            status <- c.downField("status").as[Int]
          } yield {
              status = StatusCode.int2StatusCode(status),
              entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, JsonUtil.toJson(entity))

Also you would need to unmarshall twice one for unmarshalling entity where you use the client responose and once in encoder so use this while making a client call:

       val httpResponseFuture = client
            settings = httpSettings,
            connectionContext = httpsCtx
          .flatMap { response =>
            response.entity.toStrict(10.seconds).map { allBodyInMemory =>
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